Monday, September 15, 2008

Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2008

Our first activity of the week is..."To get us may have noticed that the blogs you love best and appreciate didn't make the list of nominations! So today is your chance to thank them. Write a post thanking or highlighting the book blogs you love to read (be sure to link to them!) and then come back here and sign the Mister Linky."

Nothing of Importance (my everyday blog). I love Debi, I do. I love keeping up with what her and her daughter, Annie, read. She's friendly and down-to-earth. And her blog is one of my favorites. I learned today, for example, about a haiku book review contest at Fyrefly's Book Blog. That sounds like a lot of fun!!!

Book Nut. Melissa. I love this blog. I love her honesty. I love her style. This blog is a true must-read.

Biblio File. Jennie. Her blog is addictive. And like Melissa and Debi, I feel she's a kindred spirit. And she completely impressed me with her Readathon skills. I don't know if she's reading in the October 24 Hour Readathon or not, but I hope she does. She's very fun to cheer on :)

Speaking of kindred spirits, Sarah Miller, is among my favorite and best. I love her posts--especially her reviews. She's a brave soul at times venturing where few would follow. But her taste in books is trustworthy, and I'm rarely (if ever) disappointed by her recommendations.

Mrs. Hill's Book Blog. I'm running out of ways to say "I love this blog/love this blogger." But just because I have nothing new to say, it's not the fault of the blogger I'm highlighting! Her blog is great too. And it's one that I'd definitely recommend.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


  1. Thank you so much Becky! I think "addictive" is a most excellent compliment! You are as well!

    I will be participating in the Read-a-thon someway, but I'm not sure how yet--I have to work all day that Saturday, so we'll see...

  2. Okay Becky, you just made me cry! What a sweet, sweet thing to say...and I surely hope you know that you are among my favorite bloggers! Not just because your blog is so cool and so full of awesome reviews and news, but because of you, Becky, as a person!

  3. Awww... shucks. My TBR pile wouldn't be nearly as large without your blog, so I think the feeling's quite mutual. I really should get down to Texas to visit sometime, too. :)

  4. Becky,

    I’m part of the Book Blogger Appreciation week and I wanted to thank you for all you do to help promote books.

  5. Thanks Becky! I really appreciate you mentioning my blog!
    And I think many will agree when I say that your blog is the "mother of all review blogs!" Seriously! Thanks for leading the way :)


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