Friday, September 26, 2008

Poetry Friday: Dracula Poems

Two Dracula-inspired poems for you today:

"Hello, My Name is Dracula"

by Douglas Florian

Hello, my name is Dracula.
My clothing is all blackula.
I drive a Cadillacula.
I am a maniacula.
I drink blood for a snackula.
Your neck I will attackula
With teeth sharp as a tackula.
At dawn I hit the sackula.
Tomorrow I’ll be backula!

"Out From Darkest Transylvania"
by Douglas Florian

Out from darkest Transylvania
Comes a man, a man with a mania:
He’s looking for blood--
Type A, B, or O.
He’ll drink sitting down
Or take it to go.
He’s not very tall.
His skin is quite pale,
But going for blood,
He’ll fight tooth and nail!

From Laugh-eteria by Douglas Florian

Roundup is at The Miss Rumphius Effect.


  1. Hello, My Name is Dracula is my ALL TIME FAVORITE poem by Douglas Florian! We have so much fun reading it aloud!!

    Thanks for a smile!

  2. Where do you find these poems. These are great. They made my day!


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