Thursday, December 04, 2008

BTT: 5 for Favorites

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1. Do you have a favorite author? Yes. Several. I have a favorite for every mood don't you know! There's Orson Scott Card. Who can't remember me rambling on about him? There's L.M. Montgomery. I just adore her books. They're practically the only good memories I have of junior high and high school.

2. Have you read everything he or she has written? No. Mostly. There are still a few Card titles I haven't tried--and really have no intention of trying. L.M. Montgomery I am fairly sure that I've read almost everything--at least everything that is in print--unless there are letters or diaries I don't know about somewhere. But all of her short story collections, all of her stand alones, all of her series.

3. Did you LIKE everything? Some of Card's I liked better than others. Some I just love, love, love. Some I read every single year. Some I'm fine with just the one time. On Montgomery, I've really made it a goal to reread as much as I can in 2008/2009. And yes I enjoy most of what I read.

4. How about a least favorite author? Definitely. Thomas Hardy. I loathe Jude the Obscure.

5. An author you wanted to like, but didn’t? I just don't get Wuthering Heights--I think that's Emily Bronte, and I really don't like Charles Dickens either.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Becky,
    I have a granddaughter who chooses Lucy Maude Montgomery as her favorite author. I don't care for Dickens either--too wordy. Please visit to see my answers.

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I finished Wuthering Heights over Thanksgiving and do not get what all the hype is about. Nor do I get how it's a romance novel. Ugh. I could live with out Dickens and I thought Ender's Game was pretty good.

  3. Favorite author: Aldous Huxley with his brilliant, insightful mind and extraordinary prescient imagination in Brave New World. Written in 1932, it forecast genetic engineering and cloning, but had a humanistic warmth behind it.
    Least favorite author: John Milton. Paradise Lost was lost on me in college.

  4. Thanks for the compliments on my blog design. I haven't had any inkling to even try Lucy Maud Montgomery or Orson Scott Card.

  5. It took me a couple of reads to like Wuthering Heights. My daughter (25) loved LM Montgomery and when I was packing up her room a couple of years ago, I was ordered to save all those books!


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