Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009-04 part two

Several years before I started blogging, I had a hobby. Something besides reading that I spent quite a bit of time doing. It was a hobby with several layers. It involved sewing...for dolls...dressing up...for dolls....and taking photos...for dolls. I particularly loved doing weddings. Of course, I do not--cannot, in fact--sew for Ken. So if Ken is in an outfit, it is either store bought or made by mom way back in the 80s.

I love the simplicity of this one and the criss-crossing back.

I don't know if you can see that or not. But the ribbon is indeed all sparkley.

There's something about that one that I just love...I think it's the fullness of the skirt...

I love to sew...I hate to iron....ironic? maybe? But that's why I didn't include the full-length shot of the skirt.

And I was pleased with this experiment of a hat. I don't know if you can tell but both dress and hat have lace overlay.

Though I didn't sew anything for these next shots...I just loved the photos...

I could post more...but I think I've posted enough :)

I haven't sewed anything in at least four years. Though I've got patterns and fabric that taunts me sometimes.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. That's beautiful Becky! I have an aunt who used to sew outfits for my sisters and my Barbie dolls.. I'd almost forgotten about it!

  2. I love to sew but haven't done it in years either...maybe this post will make some of us get out our old passions and start them back up again?

  3. I sewed for my dolls too, up into my 20s...I had counted on having girls, so I could have my doll house set up again, but it didn't happen. Oh well.

    I am very impressed, Becky, at how you managed to do such a neat job on the fitted bodices! What with the extraodrinary bust to waist ratio, I had a hard time with this. But then, my dolls were smaller--Dawn dolls, and Dancing Pippa dolls, and some even smaller girl dolls with long hair from around 1980...

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    blah--signed into the wrong account. That was me.

  5. I've made a couple of outfits for my daughter's Barbies but not many. It's tough to sew something so tiny!

  6. Wow, that must've been really hard on the eyes. I used to sew people clothing and that was hard enough!

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    That was a great post! My nana used to knit all of the clothes for our dolls! Beautiful pictures!

  8. Wow, I don't know how you can sew anything that tiny! Very impressive.


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