Monday, August 05, 2024

59. In and Out the Window

In and Out The Window. Jane Yolen. Illustrated by Cathrin Peterslund. 2024. 208 pages. [Source: Library] [Children's Poetry] [3 out of 5 stars]

First sentence: Why to Write a Poem
To sing up the sunshine,
To bargain the moon,
To follow the rainbow,
Apostrophize June,
To swing into summer,
To tumble through fall,
To stumble through grammar,
And capitalize all.

In and Out The Window is a collection of Jane Yolen's poems for children. There are over a hundred collected in this new book. 

The good news: There are SO many poems, you're sure to find a few (at least) to enjoy.
The bad news: There are a LOT of poems you won't necessarily enjoy to wade through to find *your* favorites.

Is it possible for me to read a poem and absolutely crazy love-love-love it? YES. Is it possible for me to really love a collection of poems? Yes. Rare but not impossible. Is it more likely that I will like some and dislike some? YES. Poetry is SO subjective. And every single reader will likely have a different poem that is his/her favorite and best. Not every reader will enjoy/appreciate every poem. The thing with poetry is not to push it--necessarily. In other words, the right poem will find the right readers. Poetry can be surprising like that. You can *think* oh, I don't like poetry, and then find so many poems that are the exception to the rule. It is okay to not love every poem you ever read. 

Hook in the Water
Each poem a hook
floating in the tide.
An invitation
to open wide.
Come, little fishes,
take the hook.
Open right up
and read my book. (page 97)

Cat Thoughts
Whoever thought that
you can outthink a cat
has never owned one. (page 54)

The Poem In Your Heart
The poem in your heart
Is beating.
The poem in your head
Is musing.
The poem in your hand
Is writing itself.
The poem in your mouth
Is sharing its beauty,
Speaking its truth
Loud enough for everyone
To hear. (page 125)


© 2024 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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