Friday, April 10, 2009

This Is What I Want To Tell You

Stone, Heather Duffy. 2009. This Is What I Want To Tell You.

I can't tell you exactly what happened, but I can tell you part of it. My part.

Nadio and Noelle are inseparable twins. They love to hang out together. With Noelle's best friend, Keeley, these three are as close as close to be...until. Until one fall day they just aren't. In a way, perhaps it starts when Keeley goes to England for the summer. Noelle gets a job in an icecream shop and starts hanging out with a different crowd. The two aren't in touch over the summer. And on the night of Keeley's return, Noelle is nowhere to be found. In reality, Noelle chose to hang out with another friend, Jessica, at a party...a party with guys and drinking and oh-so-much-more. It is there--on that night--that she meets Parker. Her first love. From that moment, Noelle chooses Parker--and their secret relationship--over the comfort and security of her former friends and family. But Nadio and Keeley have a secret of their own that they're keeping. Nadio and Keeley, well, they're noticing each other in a whole new way. A wonderful way, a beautiful way. As Noelle and Keeley drift apart, there's love in the air even in the midst of anger and bitterness. But not all relationships are healthy as these teens find out. Not all love is real.

The book is bittersweet; the book chronicles the relationship of Noelle and Parker. But the book isn't so much about discovering that love isn't all that's a book about finding and losing yourself and choosing to be okay...even if your prince charming turns out to be a frog. It's a book about friendship as well.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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  1. Great review..I want to read this one!

  2. I like the cover on this book.

  3. I'm seeing this everywhere lately!

  4. Did you read THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU? It's my Kidlit Book Club pick for April.

    I'll be hosting Heather Duffy Stone for an interview, posting a review and giving away a copy!

    Head over there right now! Kidlit Book Club


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