Friday, May 14, 2010

Gimme A Call (MG)

Gimme A Call. By Sarah Mlynowski. 2010. April 2010. Random House. 320 pages.

If you could call your younger self--your fourteen year old self in this case--and give yourself some (much needed) advice, would you? What would you say? What would you do? If you could be the boss of your past self? Who would you choose to hang out with? Who would you choose to date? How much would you study?

Devi hates her life. She's days away from graduating high school. And oh the regrets she has. Mainly her regrets that she wasted three years of her life on Bryan, the guy that just dumped her since they'll be going their separate ways come fall. Regrets that Bryan was her sole reason for existing those years. Regrets that she lost all of her friends because she was so obsessed with him. If only there was a way she could take it all back...

One wish later, and Devi has a cell phone that just WON'T work. Or so it seems. It only calls one number. And can you guess whose number? Her own! She can now talk to her fourteen year old self--the very week where she meets Bryan at a party and he first flirts with her. But will changing the past, change her future for the better?! What do YOU think?!

I loved this what-if novel. I did. It reminded me (in a good way) of 13 Going on 30. (One of my favorite, favorite movies.) I loved seeing how those oh-so-small changes in her past impacted her present life. I loved all the twists and turns this one took as the present-day Devi meddled with her past. I would definitely recommend this one.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Oooh. I like the sound of this one.

    (and I absolutely ADORE 13 Going on 30 as well!)

  2. This book sounds really good, it's going on my list. Thanks for the heads up, I adored 13 Going on 30.


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