Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel: Original Text

Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel: Original Text. Charlotte Bronte. 2009. Classical Comics. 144 pages.

I am not always a graphic novel fan. But. I just LOVED this one. I did. It's Jane Eyre, so the potential to be great was there of course. I chose to read the version that uses the original text of the novel in its narration/dialogue. (There is a QuickText edition as well.)

I thought they did a GREAT job illustrating this one. I thought they did a wonderful job with Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester--capturing the romance between these two! I also liked seeing the artistic interpretation of the novel's themes. I had forgotten how religion/faith is a central part of this one. (Primarily we see this through Helen--Jane's childhood friend--and Jane's missionary cousin.)

For my thoughts on the novel--on the story itself, see my review of the novel.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Hi Becky, I just stumbled across your blog - you've got a lot of great stuff posted.

    I hope you'll check mine out - I have a lot of flash fiction on it that you might like. :)

    Can't wait to see your next post!

  2. I will keep this one in mind the next time I browse for a graphic novel. (I wonder if my daughter would like this one?)

  3. I just read the novel and watched the movie, having read your review I am going to have to go out and get the graphic novel to see how it compares. I also don't usually love the graphic novel but I will have to give this a try. Thanks!

  4. I'd really like to read this for R.I.P. this year. I think I'd like the original language version too. I'll have to see if I can find a copy.

  5. I've been curious about this one, but worried it won't be good. You've convinced me to read it.

  6. I might have to read this since it seems unlikely I will ever get around to the original novel...

  7. Wow! This sounds fascinating! I might actually have to check it out. I'm not normally a huge graphic novel fan because I like to have my own images in my head, but as a re-read of a favorite, it sounds promising


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