Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Salon: Reading, Read, To Read #43

Happy Sunday! I thought I would talk a little today about obsessions. Though I'm not sure obsessions is the right word. I'm talking about discoveries and journeys. But I'm also talking about needing wanting more, more, more of something. Like Greek Mythology. Like Terry Pratchett. Like Ray Bradbury. Like graphic novels.

Which leads to me joining the Odyssey readalong hosted by Love, Laughter, and A Touch of Insanity. Since reading the graphic novel, I've been wanting more. I've checked out Robert Fagles' translation of Homer's Odyssey. And The Penelopiad. And The Lost Books of Odysseus. And Waiting for Odysseus. And King of Ithaka.

What books/authors/series have you become obsessed with lately?

What I've Reviewed:

Wintersmith. Terry Pratchett. 2006. HarperCollins. 325 pages.
One Crazy Summer. Rita Williams-Garcia. 2010. [January 2010] HarperCollins. 218 pages.
Ballet Shoes. Noel Streatfeild. 1937. Random House. 256 pages.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Shirley Jackson. 1962. Penguin. 214 pages.   
While We're Far Apart. Lynn Austin. 2010. October 2010. Bethany House. 416 pages.
Snow Day. Billy Coffey. 2010. October 2010. FaithWords. 195 pages.
Cottonwood Whispers. Jennifer Erin Valent. 2009. Tyndale. 352 pages.
Binky to the Rescue. Ashley Spires. 2010. Kids Can Press. 64 pages.
Beowulf. Gareth Hinds. 2007. Candlewick Press. 128 pages
The Muppet Show Comic Book: Meet the Muppets. Roger Langridge. 2009. Boom. 112 pages.
Muppet Robin Hood. Tim Beedle. 2009. Boom. 112 pages.
Muppet Peter Pan. Grace Randolph. 2010. Boom. 112 pages.
Muppet King Arthur. Paul Benjamin and Patrick Storck. 2010. Boom. 112 pages.
The Gobble Gobble Moooooo Tractor Book. Jez Alborough. 2010. September 2010. Kane/Miller. 32 pages.
Mad at Mommy. Komako Sakai. 2010. October 2010. Scholastic. 40 pages.
Miles to Go. Jamie Harper. 2010. Candlewick Press. 32 pages.
How To Raise a Dinosaur. Natasha Wing. Illustrated by Pablo Bernasconi. 2010. October 2010. Running Press. 24 pages.
Spork. Kyo Iona Maclear. Illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault. 2010. Kids Can Press.  32 pages.

Coming Soon: 

Behemoth. Scott Westerfeld. 2010. October 2010. Simon & Schuster. 485 pages.

The Plain Janes. Cecil Castellucci. Jim Rugg. Minx. 176 pages.  

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. Terry Pratchett. 2001. HarperCollins. 242 pages.

Lockdown. Walter Dean Myers. 2010. HarperCollins. 247 pages.

The Memory Bank. Carolyn Coman. Illustrations by Rob Shepperson. 2010. October 2010. Scholastic. 288 pages.

Currently Reading:

Passionate Brood: A Novel of Richard the Lionheart and the Man Who Became Robin Hood. Margaret Campbell Barnes. 1944/2010. Sourcebooks. 368 pages.

The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood. 2005. Canongate Books. 224 pages.

Doomsday Book. Connie Willis. 1993. Random House. 592 pages.

The Odyssey. Homer. Robert Fagles (translator). Penguin. 2006. 560 pages.

The Danger Box. Blue Balliett. 2010. Scholastic. 320 pages.

What I'm Hoping To Start Soon:

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. 2010. Hyperion. 576 pages.

Blackout. Connie Willis. 2010. Random House. 512 pages.

I Shall Wear Midnight. Terry Pratchett. 2010. HarperCollins. 355 pages.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. I feel like I'm almost always obsessed with something. Right now it's a looser mix of recent fantasy and sci-fi, although I just finished a run of fairy tale collections. Earlier this year I was reading every early fantasy novel I could get my hands on, before that I read my way through the history of vampire literature, before that it was books related to Sherlock Holmes (I'd already read the original stories more than a few times by that point)... etc. etc.

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    My obsession? I don't really have to answer that one, do I?:) I'm sure you already know...L.

  3. I get obsessed with certain reading themes as well--that's one of the reasons I find reading challenges so tempting!
    I'm hoping to join in The Odyssey readalong, too. I've been wanting to reread it before getting to The Penelopiad.

  4. I must say that I just love this post :p Because I'm nearly always obsessed with something!! Right now it's spooky books...or magical type books...or gothic type books. And yes yes yes to Terry Pratchett!! Isn't this Tiffany Aching series just incredible??? I know I haven't been commenting much lately *fail* but I've been loving seeing him (Sir Pratchett) all over your blog lately :D


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