Saturday, July 30, 2016

Singalong Saturdays (Summer Songs, Again)

Today's prompt: Songs that remind you of summer. I'm adapting it a bit to focus on songs that remind me of a particular summer--1997.

This meme is hosted by Bookish Things & More.

I'm choosing to focus on the Backstreet Boys. I remember going shopping for school clothes and getting a sampler of their music--maybe even on cassette--from a department store. It was love at first listen. And when their album released that August, I believe, I bought it.

Hearing any of these songs brings back that summer and COLLEGE.

Also I can't help including Sugar Ray's Fly.

© 2016 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

1 comment:

  1. Aw both of these take me back to my Junior High days. Sugar Ray was jammed to many times with my friends.


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