Monday, November 21, 2016

2017 Share-a-Tea Reading Challenge

Love drinking tea? Love reading books? Love reading a book while drinking tea? Have I got a reading challenge for you! In 2017, I'll be hosting the Share-a-Tea Reading Challenge. You can start a little early, if you want, maybe considering it a 'trial period.' But it officially starts January 1, 2017 and officially ends December 31, 2017.

Who can join? Anyone who enjoys reading. You don't need to have a blog. You don't need to have a twitter account.

Are coffee drinkers welcome? Well. You can still join in, I suppose. But you might be outnumbered by tea drinkers.

Which books count towards the challenge? Any book that you primarily read while drinking tea. Not every single page needs to have been read while drinking tea. (I'm not that strict!!!) But this challenge is all about celebrating SLOWING DOWN and SAVORING the moments.

How many books? Is there a set minimum? This challenge is about QUALITY and not quantity. It's not about reading fifty books or even twelve books. This is an anti-rush reading challenge. Enjoy where you are in a book, and, engage fully in it. Live in the book.

This challenge has a focus on SHARING. How can you share? Several ways:

1) When you sign up in a comment below, share one favorite tea and one favorite book. And if you've got one handy: a favorite quote.
2) If you write a post on your blog announcing the challenge (and making a place to keep track of what you've read), consider sharing a bit about yourself--your reading and drinking habits. You might consider a longer list of recommendations!
3) If you're on twitter, tweet me as often as you like. @blbooks OR @operationbible Tweet about favorite teas, favorite books, favorite authors, favorite quotes, what you're currently reading, what you've just finished reading, etc.
4) Consider adding me and fellow participants to your blogroll, and cheer on other participants by reading reviews and leaving comments.
5) At the end of each month, I'll publish a check-in post. You can leave comments sharing what you're reading, what you've read, tea recommendations, etc. Even if you haven't finished a book, you can share where you're at. Remember, it isn't about how many books you read per month!
6) I'll do my best to keep an ongoing list--either in this post--or on my sidebar--of participants of this challenge. 

Be aware that comment moderation is turned on. So if you sign up for the challenge, and don't see your comment published, it just means I haven't published it...yet. But I will.

Do ask questions if you have them. I'll do my best to answer them.

© 2016 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Hello Becky!
    What an interesting challenge!
    Well, I usually drink tea (green) with Black Novel, the latest was Iréne by Pierre Lamaitre.


  2. Hello Becky: two of my favorite things, reading and tea! There are so many books and so many teas. In the morning, I drink mate, drink black during the day, and in the evening I drink roobios. I read mostly mysteries, but follow a lot of blogs. Thank goodness for the library and interlibrary loan

  3. I was the unknown person who posted above. I'm in for this challenge!

  4. Ohhh Becky this sounds very intriguing and very timely and just lovely.

    I've been hosting my own Brona's Salon for the past few months with a similar intent to slow down and enjoy the book you're in the middle of & perhaps explore a literary idea or two.
    Brona's Salon

    I love the idea of linking the book to a good cuppa tea...I'll think about what I can do here...:-)

  5. I'm working on starting a new book blog for the new year and this is right up my ally. I read mostly romance which I know is not considered quality reading by most but I'm a slow reader and have learned it is ok to read what brings you pleasure and ignore what others think. Also romance can be so many things (mystery, suspense, horror, fantasy, sci-fi etc).

    I like the idea of linking a type of tea with a book. I love black teas the most but occasionally will have a cup of white or green tea. Though I prefer my green tea iced. I also love chai tea.

  6. To MamaWantsHerBooks: 'if you enjoy reading, all genres are a quality read! There's a great website Smart Bitches, Trashy Books devoted to romances. It's smart, quirky, funny, and exuberantly in love with romance.

  7. I am in! I begin each day with some very strong Lapsang Souchong tea. Then throughout the day I vary: I might try a fruity blend or if I need more reinforcement, an assam.

    I am in. I posted on my blog, but I don't think they permitted my link back to your blog to go through.

  8. This sounds like a lovely idea, Brona's Books sent me in your direction. I am a huge fan of tea, with or without a book, and books, with or without tea. I drink Tanzanian fair trade loose tea, made in the pot. Currently reading 'The sudden appearance of Hope by Claire North, but not really getting it and wishing it would finish but have invested too much time to give up now. I don't like giving up.

  9. This sounds like an awesome idea for a reading challenge! I am so glad to have stumbled upon it!

    I actually created a post on my blog for this challenge. It includes my reading and drinking habits, my favorite books, and favorite quotes.

    Thank you again for hosting!

    My POST.

  10. This sounds just what I've been looking for. Love books, love tea. I'll post on my Facebook tomorrow.

  11. Cute idea! I will be joining :)

  12. Love this idea! Today I'm drinking Trader Joe's Cinnamon Black Tea and reading some Sherlock Holmes. Here is my sign up post

  13. I made a resolution this year to read more, and drinking more tea is never a bad thing! I drink mainly Earl Grey or Lady Grey tea , and I like reading the clasics and cozy mysteries.

  14. I posted about it here:

  15. I just LOVE the concept of this challenge!!! What better way to combine my love of reading and my love of tea?! I must admit, I am a coffee drinker too. Lol. I drink coffee in the am and tea in the pm. I know, I know, I'm an odd duck. :) My favorite tea is a yummy Peppermint tea. Mainly because I suffer from headaches and I find this tea helps me relax and helps my headache drift away. Book wise, I love a good mystery or cozy mystery. I can't wait to chatter away with others about good books and great tea! Maybe I will see some I will want to expand my horizons to...Lol, books and different tea. :)

  16. There could not be a more perfect challenge for me! I started my blog, A Book and a Cup of Tea, to slow down and pay attention to what I am reading and drinking and to share with others, which I believe this challenge is all about! I read lots of books and drink even more tea. I would have to say my favorite tea right now is Jasmine Pearls from Art of Tea, a lovely green tea flavored with jasmine flowers. The leaves are hand rolled into small "pearls" and unravel as the tea steeps. It has a wonderful scent. I don't have a favorite book, but my favorite series is "The Number One Ladies Detctive Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith. When reading this series, I definitely drink Rooibus tea since the stories take place in Soth Africa. I love the characters, setting, mysteries, humor, and annecdotes in this series. I look forward to see what others are reading and drinking by participating in this challenge!

  17. Lisa Hoo.oway, that's where I discovered Roobios was reading the books and watching the one season of the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency! Ps I just signed on to follow your blog!

  18. Gail, That's how I discovered it as well! I love how it is just so different from black tea. I signed up to follow your blog as well. Nice to meet a fellow tea and book lover!

  19. Hi! I'm a little late but just came across your blog. I really like this challenge and look forward to participating. I enjoy mysteries, the classics and Jane Austen. My favourite tea is Yorkshire Black Tea.

  20. I'm in! I posted my signup here. I'm getting into teas a lot more lately and will pair each book I read with a type of tea. I like herbal teas mostly, but I'll try just about anything. Right now, I'm working through a sampler pack from Simpson & Vale with about 20 different "desert teas".


    Here's my first review. I drank a lot of Saint Isaac's Tea while I read the book. It comes from Upton's tea. It is meant to be a combination of Bergamot and grapefruit, but combined I got strong aromas and tastes of lime. It's a great blend.

  22. Hi Becky, I just read about this challenge from Sandra @ Ravenhill Cottage. I've been needing a boost to get back into reading like I used to, so am signing up here before I can even think about it. I love tea as much as reading, so that is an easy combination for me.

    I enjoy a variety of books, but my favourite authors have been Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and Emily Carr. My favourite teas are black teas, and have just finished a good cuppa breakfast tea while reading blogs.

  23. The last book I read was a reread of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and I drank some Twinings English Breakfast with it (one of my favorites)!

  24. I just finished my first Three Pines mystery novel by Louise Penny. I started with the fifth in the series because my mom passed it along to me. Now I am really looking forward to starting from the beginning. An added bonus is that I tried a new tea while reading this book- Caramel Nouget from Tea Forte. It is a robust black tea with a hint of sweet caramel- absolutely delicious and perfect to sip while reading a book!

  25. To Lisa Holloway: Louise Penny is one of my favorite writers. The Three Pines novels are so beautifully and lyrically written. It's all about the art and poetry of being human in all its fierceness, joy, anger, and sorrow. Enjoy, enjoy.

  26. Just finished "The Pharoah's Cat"- a light, humorous book about the adventures of a cat that can talk and walk upright like humans. The setting is mostly ancient Egypt. I enjoyed Hintamint tea- black tea with peppermint- from the French Creek Tea company, with this book. It was a wonderful blend.

  27. Just did a review on "Jacoby" by William Ritter. It was a paranormal mystery. I just loved the characters in this book.

  28. Read The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl last night while sipping away at a cup of Earl Gray.

  29. Read The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See last week. It was a very powerful book and I learned all about tea,particularly pu-er. I highly recommend it. Great book to read while sipping tea.

  30. I am currently reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. Although it is a very long book, it has some amazing metaphysical comments. Set in Tokyo. Favourite tea is the classic English Breakfast but currently trying out Mint Iced Tea.


I'm always happy to hear from you! To help fight spam, comment moderation has been set up for posts older than two days. Feel free to ask me questions or ask for recommendations!