Monday, January 02, 2017

2017 War Bingo Card

So instead of hosting another round of World at War, I thought I would still do a bingo card but expand it to a broader focus. Sign up in the comments!

Here's this year's card:

If you choose to accept this mission, your goal would be to read FIVE books and get a bingo.
Unless specifically stated, most squares could be filled by fiction or nonfiction. (I made an exception with World War I and World War II books, giving you two squares for each war). One book per square.

If you don't want to aim for a traditional bingo, read a minimum of five books to fill any five squares on the card, and it will count as a successful win. Or try to see how many squares you can fill in one year! You can replace the _ with an X or a ✔ (copy/paste it) when you finish reading a book. If you list the books you read, that may help other people decide what to read.

Duration: Since I'm posting late, how about a thirteen month challenge. January 2017-January 2018.

The categories:

_ World War II Nonfiction
_ Film or documentary about World War I or World War II
_ World War II Fiction
_ World War I Fiction
_ World War I Nonfiction
_ American Revolution
_ Free film or documentary with war setting
_ graphic novel with a war setting
_ award winning novel (adult, young adult, children) with a war setting
_ American Civil War
_ Russian Civil War (1917-1922)
_ French Revolution (1789-1799)
_ Free Book Choice
_ Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
_ Cold "War" (1947-1991)
_ Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
_ English/British war of your choice
_ War of the Roses (1455-1487)
_ Norman Conquest of England (1066-1071)
_ English Civil War (1642-1651)
_ Middle eastern war of your choice
_ European war of your choice
_ African war of your choice
_ North or South American war of your choice
_ Asian war of your choice

The rules:

  • Books, audio-books, e-books--all qualify
  • Books for any age group qualify--children's books/middle grade, young adult, adult
  • Rereads are allowed
  • Reviews are not required but if you do get the chance to review, please leave a link! 
  • You can create a reading list if you want, but it's not a requirement
  • If you do make a list, consider adding a list of five books you'd recommend to others

© 2017 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Hi Becky, Happy New Year. I have a post about last year's World at War Reading Challenge and this year's War Bingo Challenge, which I have decided to participate in. Thank you for hosting both of these.
    This is the link

  2. I'm in for this one, too! I read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and The Book Thief last year, and now I want to read more war/holocaust books! Thanks for hosting


I'm always happy to hear from you! To help fight spam, comment moderation has been set up for posts older than two days. Feel free to ask me questions or ask for recommendations!