Friday, October 13, 2017

Charity Reading Challenge 2018

Charity Reading Challenge
Host: Becky's Book Reviews (sign up here)
Duration: January-December 2018
# of books: You decide

Sign up by leaving a comment.

Read for a good cause! Buy books at a charity shop, or, even a friends of the library book sale, or, donate a certain percentage of money for each book you read for the challenge. You can choose your own goal of how many books to read, what charity you'll be donating money towards, how much money, etc. (For example, you might want to donate $1 for each paperback you read, or, $3 for every hardback you read. You can work out the details yourself.)


  • Books and audio books, so long as purchased from a charity shop (or library book sale), count. E-books count if you donate a certain percentage of money to the charity of your choice. (You may read ANY book you choose if you donate your set amount.) Brand new books, old-and tattered out-of-print books. Both are welcome!
  • You do not need a blog to participate. You can comment on this post or any challenge-related post to update others on your progress. 
  • Any qualifying book finished in 2018 can count towards the challenge.
  • Books can be of any length and be written for any audience. This challenge does not exclude picture books. 
  • Qualifying books can be books you've intended to read for ages, or, impulse buys!(Who goes into a charity shop with a list?!)
  • No list is required, but, you can make one as you go if you like. The fun thing about this challenge is that everyone's list is going to be unique!
  • You may read for more than one charity if you like.

© 2017 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. I will definitely be signing up for this one again--as soon as I start my challenge sign-ups. I like the theme of this--supporting charities by buying books from them OR donating money for books read.

    I always start out intending to track all my charity spending (Friends of the Library, etc.) but am never as diligent as I plan. Maybe in 2018 I really will track all my charity purchases!

  2. I'm in for this one! I keep buying books at charity book sales but they wind up on gathering dust. I really need to make more effort to read what I buy.

  3. I'm going to try this for the first time! I'm donating $1 per book read to Catholic Relief Services. I'll track my progress here:

    Thanks for hosting!

  4. I LOVE this idea, and how flexible it is! My sign-up post is here.

  5. I will be keeping track of books for this challenge on this Goodreads shelf:

    l will only put books that I have purchased in support of my local public library system on there. Or maybe occasionally books that I will donate to the library after I’ve read them, or books purchased at local charity shops. But mainly they’ll be books that I buy directly from the library from their deaccessioned section, or from library fundraiser sales. I’m a library volunteer and big library lover.

    And if they are relevant to my Facebook page The Bletchley Circle Watchers #TBCW, I will post about the books there, too:

    On #TBCW I sometimes post about historical fiction, history books or other bookish things, and during 2018 I will try to make book chat a regular feature, especially on Fridays to go with #FridayReads.

    I’m also on Twitter as @MaynardLara and Insta as lara.maynard and may post about my reading challenge reads on there, too.

    *Q: Is there a hashtag on the go for this 2018 charity reading challenge?

  6. I tweeted about signing up for this challenge

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hello. I'd like to join this challenge. I have a lot of ebooks that might qualify because I have my Amazon Smile account set to donate part of whatever I buy to an SPCA. Not sure if it really helps or not. Amazon doesn't donate as much as I thought it did. And 99.9% of all my books are from the Library sale or second hand.


I'm always happy to hear from you! To help fight spam, comment moderation has been set up for posts older than two days. Feel free to ask me questions or ask for recommendations!