Monday, October 22, 2018

2019 Picture Book Reading Challenge

Original artwork by Charles Haigh-Wood (1856-1927)
Host: Becky's Book Reviews (sign up)
Duration: January - December 2019
Goal: To have adults read more picture books. To celebrate the fact that picture books are for everyone! Families are, of course, welcome to join in!
# of books: minimum of 6

Option 1: Read six picture books of your choice.
Option 2: Read at least six books from the checklist(s) below.

Feel free to copy/paste this. You can replace the _ with an X or a ✔ (copy/paste it) when you finish reading a book. If you list the books you read, that may help other people decide what to read.
Monthly Challenges (You may define "old" and "new" for yourself.)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

_ Something Old
_ Something New
_ Something Borrowed
_ Something True (nonfiction)

Seasonal Challenge

_ holiday of your choice
_ book set in winter
_ free picture book of your choice
_ free board book of your choice
_ free early reader or early chapter book of your choice

_ holiday of your choice
_ book set in spring
_ free picture book of your choice
_ free board book of your choice
_ free early reader or early chapter book of your choice

_ holiday of your choice
_ book set in summer
_ free picture book of your choice
_ free board book of your choice
_ free early reader or early chapter book of your choice

_ holiday of your choice
_ book set in fall
_ free picture book of your choice
_ free board book of your choice
_ free early reader or early chapter book of your choice
Alphabet Challenge (January - December)
  1. _ Title Beginning with A
  2. _ Author Beginning with A
  3. _ Illustrator Beginning with A
  4. _ Title Beginning with B
  5. _ Author Beginning with B
  6. _ Illustrator Beginning with B
  7. _Title Beginning with C
  8. _ Author Beginning with C
  9. _ Illustrator Beginning C
  10. _ Title Beginning with D
  11. _ Author Beginning with D
  12. _ Illustrator Beginning with D
  13. _ Title Beginning with E
  14. _ Author Beginning with E
  15. _ Illustrator Beginning with E
  16. _ Title Beginning with F
  17. _ Author Beginning with F
  18. _ Illustrator Beginning with F
  19. _ Title Beginning with G
  20. _ Author Beginning with G
  21. _ Illustrator Beginning with G
  22. _ Title Beginning with H
  23. _ Author Beginning with H
  24. _ Illustrator Beginning with H
  25. _ Title Beginning with I
  26. _ Author Beginning with I
  27. _ Illustrator Beginning with I
  28. _ Title Beginning with J
  29. _ Author Beginning with J
  30. _ Illustrator Beginning with J
  31. _ Title Beginning with K
  32. _ Author Beginning with K
  33. _ Illustrator Beginning with K
  34. _ Title beginning with L
  35. _ Author Beginning with L
  36. _ Illustrator Beginning with L
  37. _ Title Beginning with M
  38. _ Author Beginning with M
  39. _ Illustrator Beginning with M
  40. _ Title Beginning with N
  41. _ Author Beginning with N
  42. _ Illustrator Beginning with N
  43. _ Title Beginning with O
  44. _ Author Beginning with O
  45. _ Illustrator Beginning with O
  46. _ Title Beginning with P
  47. _ Author Beginning with P
  48. _ Illustrator Beginning with P
  49. _ Title beginning with Q
  50. _ Author or Illustrator beginning with Q
  51. _ Title beginning with R
  52. _ Author beginning with R
  53. _ Illustrator beginning with R
  54. _ Title beginning with S
  55. _ Author beginning with S
  56. _ Illustrator beginning with S
  57. _Title beginning with T
  58. _ Author beginning with T
  59. _ Illustrator beginning with T
  60. _ Title beginning with U
  61. _ Author or illustrator beginning with U
  62. _ Title beginning with V
  63. _ Author or illustrator beginning with V
  64. _ Title beginning with W
  65. _ Author beginning with W
  66. _ Illustrator beginning with W
  67. _ Title with an X ("ex")
  68. _ Author or illustrator -- more than one author, more than one illustrator (turning x into +)
  69. _ Title with a Z
  70. _ Author or illustrator beginning with Z
Sign up by leaving a comment. Do indicate which option you're leaning towards. And if you have a blog, please leave your blog address so I can visit you.

Reviews are not a requirement. But if you do review, you can share links to your reviews. I'm thinking of having check-in posts at the end of every month.

© 2018 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. I'm in. I'm going to try the seasonal option.

  2. My sign up post

  3. I read a lot of pix books anyway - but like the idea of celebrating the seasons thru pix books. I'm in.

  4. Going with Option #1. I teach elementary school, so I'll have the opportunity for more picture books.

  5. Going with Option #1. Since I teach in elementary school, I'll be around a lot of picture books.


I'm always happy to hear from you! To help fight spam, comment moderation has been set up for posts older than two days. Feel free to ask me questions or ask for recommendations!