Monday, April 06, 2020

52. The Warrior's Curse

The Warrior's Curse. (The Traitor's Game #3) Jennifer A. Nielsen. Scholastic. 359 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Winter had come, bringing harsh winds that cut like knives through my cloak, the land frozen beneath my feet each morning and continuing to chill, even when the sun rose. Not that we saw much sun in such a forsaken place.

Premise/plot: This one is the third and probably final book in the series. Books one and two are The Traitor’s Curse and The Deceiver’s Heart. Kestra is our heroine; Simon is our hero. These two love each other truly, madly, deeply but there are obstacles, oh so many obstacles.

At the start of this one, Kestra has been kidnapped and is being held against her will by Loelle in the All Spirits Forest. Simon is recovering and continuing to search for Kestra. Did she leave him by choice?! Or was she kidnapped?! Should he pursue a rescue mission against the advice of his political and military advisers? Should he let her go and marry Harlyn?!

My thoughts: In a perfect world I would have reread the previous books in the series. But with the library closed due to Covid 19, you do what you can do. This book was the last book I checked out—little knowing that the world would change within a week.

I thought it might be difficult to follow because it’s been a while since I read the previous books. But within a few chapters, I was immersed in the story and enjoying it very much!!!

I love Nielsen’s books. She’s a tried and true author who has proven herself worthy time and time again.

© 2020 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

1 comment:

  1. Love that first line! I'll have to give this series a try. :)


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