Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Salon: Reading, Read, To Read #24

Happy Sunday! This week Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century is hosting the HUGE TBR Readathon. It is for an entire week! (Monday, June 14th 8AM - Sunday June 20th Midnight) I definitely have enough books to read that joining in is only logical. I think I'll set a goal of reading 14 books--not counting picture books or board books. Or maybe the goal I *should* be setting is to finish Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy? I haven't forgotten that my deadline of June 29th is coming up. I *think* I'm around the 250 page mark.

(This is so off-topic, but has anyone noticed how you can not notice page numbers? When I'm really, really into a book, I don't register page numbers at all. Or chapters, for that matter. It's only when I'm struggling with a book that page numbers jump out at me. And ten pages can seem like a thousand. I noticed it this week when reading Armadale by Wilkie Collins. At first I was intimidated by the length of the chapters. Then I realized it just didn't matter. Because I was eager to continue the story. Instead of a chapter signaling a good stopping place, I was all more, more, more.)

I was going to talk about writing negative reviews. But I think I'll save that for a separate post. What I will do is share some links. Shelf Love has "Why We Dislike What We Dislike" Jackie has "Do Bad Books Exist?" Nymeth has "On Writing About Books" and then finally there is Heidenkind's "Objective Reading".

What I've Reviewed This Week:

Smells Like Dog. Suzanne Selfors. 2010. May 2010. Little, Brown Young Readers. 360 pages.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Anne Bronte. 1848. 496 pages.
Sylvester: Or the Wicked Uncle. Georgette Heyer. 1957/2009. Harlequin. 368 pages.
The Phoenix and the Carpet. E. Nesbit. 1904. 224 pages.
Touch. Francine Prose. 2009. HarperCollins. 272 pages.
One False Note. Gordon Korman. 2008. Scholastic. 160 pages.
Purity: A Godly Woman's Adornment. Lydia Brownback. 2010. May 2010. Crossway Publishers. 136 pages.
Just What Mama Needs. Sharlee Mullins Glenn. Illustrated by Amiko Hirao. 2008. Harcourt. 32 pages.
Dear Teacher. Amy Husband. 2010. July 2010. Sourcebooks. 24 pages.
My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil. Hanoch Piven. 2010. May 2010. Random House. 40 pages.
Barry The Fish With Fingers by Sue Hendra. 2010. June 2010. Random House. 40 pages.
How To Clean Your Room in 10 Easy Steps. Jennifer LaRoue Huget and Edward Koren. 2010. May 2010. Random House. 40 pages.
Benny and Penny in the Toy Breaker.
Geoffrey Hayes. 2010. May 2010. Toon Books. 32 pages.
Zig and Wikki in Something Ate My Homework. Trade Loeffler and Nadja Spiegelman. 2010. April 2010. Toon Books. 40 pages.

Currently Reading:

Pamela. Samuel Richardson. 1740/1801. (Penguin) 540 pages.

I'm actually stalling a bit in this. I do want to finish it. Or else I'll always have a bookmark in the middle reminding me that I've failed. (Not that that alone is motivation enough--see War and Peace.)

Anna Karenina. Leo Tolstoy. Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. 2004, this translation. Penguin. 864 pages.

I wouldn't say I'm completely stalled in Anna Karenina. But it is hard to get enthusiastic about mowing and peasants working the land. I'm hoping it will improve soon.

Armadale. Wilkie Collins. 1866. (My edition. Oxford World's Classics.) 880 pages.

Now this current read is one I'm actually excited about reading! I think my love for Armadale might keep me from pursuing Anna Karenina the way I should be, and that could be bad.

Maid to Match. Deeanne Gist. 2010. June 2010. Bethany House. 368 pages.

I am really LOVING this one. It is such a relief too. The timing couldn't be better for me to pick up a good Christian historical romance.

The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood. 2010. HarperCollins. 288 pages.

I really enjoyed Maryrose Wood's The Mysterious Howling. So I picked this one up late last night--after midnight--I had to force myself to go to bed because I knew I'd be getting up early (well, early for me). I look forward to finishing this one soon!

Soulless by Gail Carriger. 2009. Orbit. 384 pages.

I am only a few chapters into this one. But I'm enjoying it so far! I love the setting of this one.

What I Hope To Begin/Finish Soon:

I hope to read a good many MG/YA titles for the HUGE TBR Readathon.

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    14 books in one week is way more than I could handle--that's more than I can read in one month usually! Good luck :)

  2. Holy smoly, 14 books. I can't do that. I finished maybe 6 last week.

  3. I totally agree with you as regards page numbers. If you notice page numbers too much, it means you're not really into the book!

  4. Seems like you had quite a prolific week :) Reminds me that I need to read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall soon.

    P.S I have an award for you at my blog :)

  5. Hi Becky,

    Thanks for the link! I'm really impressed that you read 14 books in one week - that is more than I manage in most months!!

    The main reason I popped by (other than to thank you for the link of course!) was because I was checking out recent links to me and thought you might like to know that another site has stolen your content (well I presume that they have - if they have your permission then I apologise):

    I just wanted to let you know, as I'd like to know if someone was lifting my posts like that. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (or just an interfering blogger if that isn't the case!)


  6. Jackie, thanks for letting me know. I think there are actually a couple of sites (if not more) all stealing my content :( I HATE HATE HATE the fact that there are people out there who think it is ok to steal other people's feeds. I hate it. So no, they do not have my permission.


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