One False Note. Gordon Korman. 2008. Scholastic. 160 pages.
The hunger strike began two hours east of Paris.
One False Note is the sequel to Rick Riordan's The Maze of Bones. In the first book, readers are introduced to Dan and Amy Cahill. These two children are just two of the people who accept the strange challenge set forth in Grace Cahill's will. They are just part of the mad clan dashing frantically around the globe trying to unearth the family secrets and piece this puzzle together. Time matters. Loyalty does not. Can any person be trusted?
In this second adventure, the two are trying to puzzle out how Mozart figures into the family secret. Where is the clue hidden? And why do they need to go to so many boring--at least boring-to-Dan--museums to solve the mystery?
I'm not the biggest fan of this series--well the two I've read so far. But I am not the target audience for this one. I think they are quick reads. I think they're well-paced. I think there is enough action and adventure and mystery involved to keep readers reading. (At least if readers are initially hooked.)
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I agree with you on this one--I read the first but none of the others (I wanted to get a flavor for it, but I wasn't that interested in finding out what happens!) But they've done really well with the target audience, and I do like the way they tapped different authors to write the different volumes; maybe that way the kids will look at other books by that writer. It does create a problem for where to put them in the library though!
It seemed to me that enjoying that series means also playing along with the games on the website, something that didn't interest me but I'm sure is a big hit with the tweens.
I had to read this book for a book report and it was very well written and the author is one of my favorites but it wasn't always that intresting. I found myself almost falling asleep in some parts. But for younger kids, it's a must read!
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