Jen of Devourer of Books is hosting Audiobook Week. She has discussion topics for each day this week. And if you link to your posts on audio books, or your reviews of audio books you could win a prize.
Today's question is Why Audiobooks?
My First Audio Book
One of the first audio books I remember listening to was Jennifer Armstrong's Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World. I was taking a college class where this nonfiction book was required reading. I couldn't find a copy of the book on the shelves. But. The library did have a copy of the book on audio. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of listening to a book. But required is required, so I gave it a go. I was surprised by how hooked I became. I found listening to be just as compelling. One of the things I remember most about this one is the plink, plink, plink of the frostbitten toes being amputated. (That and the bit about each of the three men feeling that there had been a fourth there with them during the hardest time.)
Why I Like Audio Books...
I use audio books as supplements. While, on occasion, I listen to new-to-me books on audio, I almost always prefer to revisit books I've enjoyed in the past. By listening to books that I'm somewhat familiar with, I find freedom to really enjoy the book in the moment. Without being anxious about what's coming, without being caught up in where the story is going. It isn't about how fast I can get to the end. It is about spending time with a book. Getting reacquainted with the characters--often these characters feel like friends by this point.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I was hesitant at first to do an Audio Book, but now I adore them!
Oh, I can imagine what an impression the 'plink, plink, plink' must make in audio! I'm already shivering just reading it.
I love audio books in the car. I have a commute that is anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on traffic and I do a lot of errands. The audio books make it enjoyable. I haven't really been reviewing my audio books because its hard enough to keep up with my regular ones, but I always have an audio book going.
While I listen to all kinds of audiobooks, I especially love to listen to a favorite classic that I've already read. A couple of favorites that come to mind have been My Antonia and Tale of Two Cities.
I agree - audiobooks are great for things like auditory clues and sound effects. I just finished reading The Lovely Bones, and I definitely found that the narrator's voice gave the story a realistic feel to it.
Becky, I love audio books as well and have been listening to them for about (10) years. I think my first audio books were ones by Anne Tyler or Barbara Kingsolver, and James Patterson. It's easy to multi-task and enjoy a book, so what a reader's dream :)
I ahve used audio for "re-reads" as many books as I have on my TBR pile I cant justify picking up a fav right now and reading it, but I can listen to it while I am busy anyway.
I am not an audio book person at all. However--my husband (who is a non-reader) has discovered his love of Louis L'Amour audio books. He works out of town, so he has a 2 1/2 hour drive on Sundays & Thursdays. He just began listening to these during his commute and he loves them!
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