Saturday, November 02, 2019

Georgian Check In #6

  •    What books for this challenge have you read (or reviewed) recently?
    •    What are you currently reading?
    •    Are there any quotes you'd like to share?
    •    Who would you recommend? Anyone you would NOT recommend?
    •    Favorite book you've read so far...

What I've read since last time...

Sophia: Mother of Kings. Catherine Curzon. 2019. 208 pages. [Source: Review copy]

Still "working" on some others. 

© 2018 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Jean said...

I read the Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir Walter Scott. Pretty good, though not as good as The Heart of Midlothian.

Still slowly going through Johnson/Boswell. Really it's two books in one volume, so I've finished Johnson, and am now reading Boswell, who has some good stuff but also reports every word Johnson says, which takes a long time.

Susan said...

Avid Series Reader: Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade