Tuesday, May 21, 2024

49. The Kill Factor

The Kill Factor. Ben Oliver. 2024. 368 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Emerson Ness had not been scared in a very long time. Now she was terrified.

Premise/plot: YA dystopia is not as prevalent [abundant] as it used to be ten years ago. The Kill Factor IS YA dystopia with a unique premise. Fifty contestants for a brand new television game show that are facing varying sentences for crimes they've committed. They will face challenges from the Producer [the powers that be] and one another. The winner will essentially be acquitted and have the charges dropped. The losers, well, the losers will face life-time sentences. Signing the contract to participate in the game show has huge risks and low odds of success. Yet for those who feel helpless and hopeless, a little hope is better than none. Emerson Ness, the narrator, has been charged with arson and murder. (I'm not certain at all what degree for the murder charge. I don't think the judicial process had gotten far enough along for official charges to have been made.) Her social-media obsessed dad is at first pushing for her to compete. Her fame could lead to his fame. She is conflicted. But ultimately she chooses to be a contestant so the book would be longer than two chapters.

The book is action-packed with definitely more emphasis on premise and plot than characterization. But Emerson Ness definitely is developed as a character.

My thoughts: I found this a compelling read. I was a big fan of the YA dystopia trend. I'd be happy to see a few published each year. This one definitely has some similarities to The Hunger Games, but also a little darker.


© 2024 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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