Thursday, October 24, 2024

88. The Last Dragon on Mars

The Last Dragon on Mars. Scott Reintgen. 2024. 384 pages. [Source: Library] [MG fantasy, MG science fiction] [3 stars]

First sentence: There's a storm coming that looks right nasty.

Premise/plot: For readers wanting DRAGONS in their science fiction (colonization, space flight, survival), readers should consider picking up this new middle grade series. The first book, The Last Dragon on Mars, newly published, introduces readers to Lunar Jones, an orphaned boy living on a cursed planet. Mars (the planet) has been cursed since first colonized by humans generations previously. It is NOT a hospitable, homey place, however, it is the only home he's ever known. And even though every single day is a struggle for resources, a struggle among many for those extremely limited resources, he's not ready to give up on Mars just yet. (Then again, what choice does he have?) 

Dragon-lore is plentiful in the world-making of this speculative fiction series. To go into details of why planets, moons, and stars have dragon [avatars] would be tedious. That is, my description of the book's world would be tedious. 

In some ways this is a typical quest-adventure book where a young, thoroughly unprepared boy is thrust into a position where he must save the world. However, I haven't read many science fiction novels set in space involving dragons.

My thoughts: I liked it well enough. It is certainly on the eccentric, taste-specific side. But then again that is how science fiction works. It was a quick read that was enjoyable enough. I didn't love it as much as I was hoping. But I think the target audience could certainly find it appealing.


© 2024 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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