30. All Better Now. Neal Shusterman. 2025. 528 pages. [Source: Library] [1 star, YA fiction]
First sentence: It was the wrong time to be living on the streets.
My thoughts (preview): Is this the worst book I've read this year [2025]? YES. So far at least. Why? Horrible premise. Horrible plot. Terrible characters.
Premise/plot: COVID-19 might be settling down but Crown Royale, a new virus is spreading all around. You either a) catch it and die (4% of cases?) b) catch it and your brain becomes well, Imagine-fied (think of the noxious John Lennon song, "Imagine." This is 96% of cases?) Those who catch it seem to want EVERYONE to catch it.
This story exists in propaganda-land and every character has a hammer or two. Readers never catch a breath from nonsense being shouted, spouted, thrown around, pounded, stamped, etc.
There are a handful of characters. Not a single character--well, not really--is likeable...or likeable enough. There are two semi-minor characters that aren't dreadful. But essentially it's a duel of propaganda between those wanting to spread Crown Royale (the happy virus that turns your brain to mush) and those wanting create a counter-virus that turns you into a....well....an emotional psycho. One virus strips you of choice and turns earth into "heaven." The other strips you of choice and turns earth into "hell."
There was not one scene, one character that made this book enjoyable or thought provoking.
My thoughts: I hated this book. I hated it so much. This is sad mainly because I have such WONDERFUL memories of reading and absolutely loving Neal Shusterman's books. Multiple of his I've rated five stars. I've always found them super-compelling, interesting, good, great even. This one was HORRIBLE. Unless you want to feel trapped in a nightmare surrounded by people you detest and can't escape.
© 2025 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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