Friday, June 12, 2020

84. Dragonfly

Dragonfly. Leila Meacham. 2019. 563 pages. [Source: Library] [World War II]

First sentence: The man in the brown suit snapped shut the book he'd been reading and looked up with a stare of disbelief.

Premise/plot: Dragonfly is a historical novel largely set in France during the Second World War. The framework of the story is an approaching twenty year anniversary meeting. Five spies agreed at the start that they would meet on September 26 twenty years from 1942. Samuel Barton (Lodestar, Stephane Beaulieu), Bridgette Loring (Labrador, Bernadette Dufor), Chris Brandt (Lapwing, Claus Bauer), Brad Hudson (Limpet, Barnard Wagner), Victoria Grayson (Liverwort, Victoria Colbert). These five strangers have been chosen for their skills and eagerness. They know one another only by their code names (Lodestar, Labrador, Lapwing, Limpet, and Liverwort). To know more could endanger them all if any one is captured and interrogated. They are dropped into France in 1942...but not all make it out of the country...or do they?!

My thoughts: I found Dragonfly to be a compelling read. It is told in alternating voices. Readers get to know the five spies quite well and even to some extent the man in charge of the project, the man in the brown suit, Alistair Renault. I thought the characterization and plotting were well done.

I would definitely recommend this one.

© 2020 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Lark said...

Sounds like fun! I do love that first line. :)

Marg said...

I read Roses by this author years ago but I haven't read anything more and I don't really know why!