I read a total of twenty-five books in January 2021. Twelve were review copies; thirteen were either books I bought or books I received as a gift. Six were rereads and nineteen were new-to-me. Nine earned five stars. Of those nine, four were rereads.
The two books I reread that didn't earn five stars were Pinocchio--which is good but not that good--and Pygmalion which just doesn't come close to the screen play of the same name or the musical My Fair Lady. (Plus the ending of the play is just weird...like he got tired of writing a play and slapped on an epilogue with minimal amount of effort.)
My LEAST favorite book was Robinson Crusoe merely for the fact that the kindle version I read had NO CHAPTERS and combined the original book with one or more sequels. It was TEDIOUS and OBNOXIOUS.
I don't know that I can call just one favorite book. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the play The Importance of Being Earnest.
I loved revisiting Ruth. (Why is it that I FORGET every single time THE ENDING?!?!?!?!) I loved taking my time with the time travel rom-com TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG. That would make a great movie!!!!! It really would. Surely I'm not the only one who wants to see Connie Willis' Oxford Time Travel series filmed!
I was most surprised by The Great Cookie War. Delightfully surprised.
And Practicing Thankfulness still has me thinking!
Books reviewed at Becky's Book Reviews

Books reviewed at Young Readers

Books reviewed at Operation Actually Read Bible
1. A Book of Comfort for Those In Sickness. Philip Bennett Power. 1876/2018. Banner of Truth. 97 pages. [Source: Bought] (five stars)2. The Quick-Read Bible: Understanding God's Word From Beginning to End in 365 Daily Readings. Harvest House Publishers. 272 pages. 2021 [March] [Source: Review copy]
3. Foxe's Book of Martyrs. John Foxe. 1563/2001. 416 pages. [Source: Bought]
4. Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe. 1719/2019. AmazonClassics. 571 pages. [Source: Bought]
5. Come, Sweet Day: Thoughts and Poems from Hard Times to Hope: A Writer's Journey. Julianne Donaldson. 2021. [April] 96 pages. [Source: Review copy]

7. The Stone Wall. Beverly Lewis. 2020. Bethany House. 352 pages. [Source: Review copy]
© 2021 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Oh wow. 25 books in a month! I love that you read from different sort of genres.
I hope you'll have a great reading week!
Quite low compared to previous months but still better than most! Happy February!
What a great January. I agree with you re: Robinson Crusoe, which I read at Uni years ago and found so tedious and dull. I'd like to read more Gaskell, and Ruth is one I haven't read yet. The Importance of Being Earnest is great, and you've kindled my curiosity about To Say Nothing of the Dog :)
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