In November I read twenty-five books.
Books reviewed at Becky's Book Reviews:
91. Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret. Benjamin Stevenson. (Ernest Cunningham #3) 2024. [Source: Library] [adult fiction, adult mystery, series book] [4 stars]
92. Uglies. Scott Westerfeld. 2005. 425 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [YA dystopia, YA fiction, YA speculative fiction]
93. Superman: The Golden Age #1 Jerry Siegel. Joe Shuster. 2016. (Comics
are from June 1938 through December 1939.) 392 pages. [Source: Library]
[5 stars] [comic books; graphic novel; superheroes; action]
94. The 100 (The 100#1) Kass Morgan. 2013. 323 pages. [Source: Library] [3 stars, YA dystopia, YA fiction, YA romance]
95. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Harry Potter #7) J.K. Rowling. 2007. 759 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [YA speculative fiction]
96. Out of My Dreams (Out of My Mind #3) Sharon M. Draper. 2024. 320 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars, MG Fiction, MG Realistic fiction]
97. Lifeboat 5. Susan Hood. 2024. 272 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars, verse novel, historical novel, based on true events, world war II]
Books reviewed at Young Readers
146. Mr. Santa. Jarvis. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book] [4 stars]
147. Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho. William Boniface. Illustrated by Julien Chung. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]
148. Christmas at Hogwarts. J.K. Rowling. Illustrate by Ziya Gao. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]
The Tree of Life: How a Holocaust Sapling Inspired the World. Elisa
Boxer. Illustrated by Alianna Rozentsveig. 2024. 41 pages. [Source:
Library] [nonfiction; j nonfiction] [5 stars]
Fox Plays Ball (I Can Read!) Corey R. Tabor. 2024. 32 pages. [Source:
Library] [5 stars] [early reader, I Can Read, series book]
151. Santa's First Christmas. Mac Barnett. Illustrated by Sydney Smith.
2024. [October 22] 40 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [picture book,
Christmas, Santa]
The Man Who Didn't Like Animals. Deborah Underwood. Illustrated by
LeUyen Pham. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [5 stars] [picture book]
153. Board book: Persuasion: A Colors Primer. Jennifer Adams.
Illustrated by Alison Oliver. 2024. 22 pages. [Source: library] [3
154. The Most Boring Book Ever. Brandon Sanderson. Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi. 2024. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, 4 stars, unreliable narrator, read between the lines]
155. Board book: Dog's First Christmas. Natalie Nelson. 2024. 28 pages. [Source: Library] [board book, Christmas, pets, babies] [4 stars]
156. Santa Mouse Finds a Friend. Michael Brown. 2024. 40 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book, Christmas] [3 stars]
Books reviewed at Operation Actually Read Bible 52. The Seaside Homecoming (On Devonshire Shores #3) Julie Klassen. 2024. 400 pages. [Source: Review copy] [5 stars]
53. In the Lord I Take Refuge: 150 Daily Devotions Through the Psalms. Dane C. Ortlund. 2021. 416 pages. [Source: Borrowed]
54. The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways To Be Kingdom Ready. David Jeremiah. 2024. 240 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [christian nonfiction]
55. Daily Doctrine: A One Year Guide to Systematic Theology. Kevin DeYoung. 2024. 432 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars] [theology]
56. Cloud of Witnesses: A Treasury of Prayers and Petitions Through the Ages. Jonathan W. Arnold (editor) Zechariah Carter (editor). 2024. 345 pages. [Source: Library] [Prayer, devotional, christian nonfiction, history] [5 stars]
Bibles reviewed at Operation Actually Read Bible24. Topical Chain Study Bible. New American Standard Bible. 1977. 1983 for the Topical Chain Study features. God. Thomas Nelson publisher. 1660 pages. [Source: Bought]
25. ESV Large Print Personal Size. God. 2016 edition text, 2020 publication. 1952 pages. [Source: Bought]
© 2024 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews