Announcing the third season of the It's The End of The World (As We Know It) Reading Challenge.
Name: It's The End of the World III
Host: Becky of Becky's Book Reviews
Dates: March 17, 2010 - October 31, 2010
Books Required: Four
Read at least four books about "the end of the world." This includes both apocalyptic fiction and post-apocalyptic fiction. There is quite a bit of overlap with dystopic fiction as well. The point being something--be it coming from within or without, natural or unnatural--has changed civilization, society, humanity to such a degree that it radically differs from "life as we now know it." (Aliens, evil governments, war, plague, natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, depletion of resources, genetic manipulation, etc.) Here is a wikipedia article on the subject. Also see here. These changes can be small-but-still-significant or huge-and-life-threatening.
Books can be classified as children's, young adult, and adult. (Not many children's books go there. But many teen books do. And they're great.)
Graphic novels can count for this challenge.
Audio books allowed.
Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
Sign up using the MckLinky below. Or if that isn't working, you can always leave a comment on this post!
To share reviews (just an option, not a requirement), you may leave a link in this second MckLinky.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I'm counting The Army of the Republic for this, though it doesn't quite fit. It's set in the near future, in an America fairly similar to our own, but with a few changes, mostly involving corporate take over of government and resources. It's definitely dystopia! Plus, it's the first one I've read for teh challenge so far! ;)
I'm all finished:
It's Not the End of the World Challenge
1. Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick
2. The Dead and the Gone by Mary Beth Pfeffer
3. Gone by Michael Grant
4. Epitaph Road by David Patneaude
Mr Linky is gone - :(
Here is my updated challenge list. I am finished with this challenge!
1. Life As We Knew It
2. The Dead and The Gone
3. This World We Live In (trilogy- all linked here in one post)
4. The Passage by Justin Cronin
5. The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist (this is more of a dystopian)
No More Mr. Linky, but I read The Hunger Games!
And then I read Catching Fire!
And I read Angel: After the Fall vol 2: 1st Night
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