Wishing for Tomorrow: The Sequel to A Little Princess. By Hilary McKay. Illustrations by Nick Maland. Simon & Schuster. 273 pages.
Once upon a time there was a city.
In the city there was a square.
In the square there was a house.
It belonged to two sisters, Miss Maria Minchin and Miss Amelia Minchin.
From the street the house looked very much like all the other houses in the square. Tall and narrow and respectable, with servants in the basement, faces at the windows, and sparrows on the roof. If anything made it a little different from its neighbors, it was the faces at the windows. There were so many of them, and they looked out so often, and they were all girls.
The house was a school, a boarding school for girls.
I liked this one. I really liked it. It's the sequel to the classic, A Little Princess. Though I'd never been exactly curious as to what might happen next, what might happen to the girls once Sara Crewe left the school, I must say that I enjoyed reading about their continued adventures. I enjoyed getting to know Ermengarde, Lavinia, Lottie, and the rest. I enjoyed getting to know the Minchin sisters as well.
I feel this one is well-written and quite compelling. I would definitely recommend this one.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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Just Books
I finished it yesterday, and I loved it! A delightful book! I reread "A Little Princess" first to refresh my memory of the characters, which I think was a good idea. It was amazing that Lavinia could actually become a likable person! And Ermengarde was a great choice for the central character.
A Little Princess is an old favorite of mine so I will have to read this, especially since you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the review--I have this book out from the library now and can't wait to read it (Just have to finish "The Pillars of the Earth" for my bookclub in the next week first!)
Well, it *is* Hilary McKay. :-) Can't wait to read this one!
Wow, I didn't know there was a sequel. Thanks Becky, for adding another book to my to-read list :)
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