When Mike Kissed Emma. Christine Marciniak. 2009. [July 2009] Wild Rose Press. 176 pages.
I walked right into him. I didn't even seem him standing there until I bounced off his chest. Books went flying. Pencils and pens clattered across the black and white floor tiles. And I would have landed on the floor, too, if he hadn't grabbed my arms and steadied me. I looked up to thank him and saw the most gorgeous blue eyes. Really blue. I'd never seen anyone with eyes that blue. But then I saw who those eyes belonged to.
Biker Mike.
I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was great fun. At the same time, I know I would have really really loved this one if I'd read it as a young teen. (Back when I was absolutely in love with those Sunfire romance books that are oh-so-sadly out of print.)
When Mike Kissed Emma opens with a collision. Both "Biker Mike" and Emma are on their way to tryouts. Both are auditioning for the school's production of The Sound of Music. Emma is hoping for the role of Liesl. She's crossing her fingers that her boyfriend, Trevor, will get the role of Rolf. So he can serenade her with Sixteen going on Seventeen. On and off the stage. What she didn't expect was to be cast in the lead role of Maria, opposite Biker Mike. Oh the things she didn't expect: her sister to be cast opposite of her boyfriend, for Biker Mike to be a really good actor, for the chemistry between them to be oh-so-magical. Even off stage. At the school dance. Where she oh-so-accidentally kisses him. In front of everyone. What's a girl to do when the heart wants something that (supposedly) doesn't make any sense?! For Emma's friends--including her older brother--think Mike is bad news. And they'll say anything, do anything, to keep these two apart.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Becky, I'm so glad you enjoyed the book!
I just added this to my wishlist :D Thanks!
Anything Sound of Music related is something I'd love to read and the book sounds like fun, judging from your review! :)
Requested this - it sounds right up my alley!
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