Friday, August 03, 2007

Poetry Friday: Bellybutton Time

Your Navel Is No Mystery
by Allan Wolf

Your bellybutton is a mark
that tells you how you got your start.
For in the womb, long time ago,
you couldn't eat or drink, and so
your mother was attached to you,
about midbelly, by a tube.
Umbilical's its proper name,
and where they snipped it off became
your bellybutton, round and playful
(in fancy talk it's called the navel).
And that's the truth, and so you see
your navel is no mystery:
It marks the spot your family
attached you to the family tree
when you began to be.

From The Blood-Hungry Spleen: And Other Poems About Our Parts

Words to the Bellybutton Song (by Boyz in the Sink...aka Veggie Tales...) can be found here.

Poetry friday round-up is at Miss Rumphius Effect

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