Raid of No Return. (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #7) Nathan Hale. 2017. [November] Abrams. 128 pages. [Source: Library]
First sentence: On March 8th, 1862, near the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay, the confederate ironclad CSS Virginia steamed into battle.
Premise/plot: Raid of No Return is part of a graphic-novel historical series written by Nathan Hale and starring Nathan Hale. Nathan Hale is joined by his executioners. He is delaying his execution by telling super-exciting action-packed stories from history, from the future. In this seventh adventure, he is turning to the second world war. This book is ALL about the Doolittle Raid or the Tokyo Raid of 1942. The adventure begins with the Japanese training to attack the United States.
My thoughts: I love, love, love this series. This is a good addition to that series. I love that the book follows all sixteen planes and their crews that took part in the raid. A few of the names were familiar to me, but not all of them. I would definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys history. You don't have to "love" graphic novels to be swept up into this story.
© 2017 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
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