Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Ultimate Teen Reading List?????

One of our goals each month is to inspire you to read --- and to keep reading. We have found that required reading lists for school --- especially summer reading lists --- are not exactly inspiring. Thus we have created what we think is the Ultimate Teen Reading List --- over 250 titles that we think are perfect choices for reading and discussing. Our dream is that schools will use this list to help them make their own for summer reading, or even better, suggest that students just read what they want from this list.

How did we create our list? We compiled entries from readers who weighed in with their selections and we also asked our staffers for suggestions. Titles range from young adult books to books that we read on adult lists that we think would be enjoyed by teens.

Thanks to all who participated in this project, which spurred a lot of conversation about books. We encourage you to share this list with your teachers and fellow classmates, as well as librarians.
Downloadable PDF of 'Ultimate' Reading List

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Ender's Game? Favorite Book Ever.