Happy Sunday everyone! I feel like singing Oscar's Rainy Day song. If I've been absent lately online (all day Saturday) it's because my computer is off because of all the stormy storms. I'm really excited about May. I hope to get a lot of reading done. Many blog tours planned for May and June. Speaking of blog tours, voting may still be open I'm not sure when she'll close the poll. I appreciate the readers who have voted so far! I really really do :)
What I read in a previous week, but reviewed this week:
Gone by Michael Grant. 2008. HarperCollins. 558 pages.
Running for My Life by Ann Gonzalez. 2009. Westside Books. 237 pages
The Traitor's Wife by Susan Higginbotham. 2009. SourceBooks. 512 pages.
The Warden. Anthony Trollope. 1855. 294 pages.
What I read this past week and reviewed:
The Fire of Ares. Michael Ford. 2008. Bloomsbury/Walker Books. 245 pages.
The Demigod Files. Rick Riordan. 2009. Disney/Hyperion. 151 pages.
The Queen of Everything. Deb Caletti. 2002. Simon & Schuster. 322 pages.
Also Known As Harper by Ann Haywood Leal. 2009. Henry Holt. 256 pages
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. 2002. Simon & Schuster. 380 pages.
What I read this past week and haven't reviewed yet:
Thirsty. M.T. Anderson. 1997. Candlewick. 237 pages.
Forest Born by Shannon Hale. 2009. Bloomsbury. 400 pages.
The Opposite of Music by Janet Ruth Young. 2007. Simon & Schuster. 346 pages.
The Birth of a Warrior. Michael Ford. 2008. Bloomsbury/Walker Books. 262 pages.
Fixing Abraham by Chris Tiegreen. Tyndale. 2009. 190 pages.
What I've read and really really need to review:
What I'm currently reading:
The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff
A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Barchester Tower by Anthony Trollope
What I'm just fooling around that I'm reading:
The Secret Holocaust Diaries. Nonna Bannister. 2009. 120/299
What I've abandoned:
Pop Apocolypse: A Possible Satire by Lee Konstantinou. I think it's the tense of this one that did it end. I just couldn't stand it. I hate first person present narrations.
Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn. I think this may work for some readers. But I had a hard time buying the premise. And with the characters (not to mention the time and setting) changing every other chapter or so, I had a hard time caring.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
If you're reading this post on another site, or another feed, the content has been stolen.
I can't wait to see your review of Forest Born!! Happy Sunday, Becky :)
Good thing I have you to keep me up-to-date! I didn't realize a new Bayern book was due out soon. I better get around to reading River Secrets soon. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about Forest Born!
That is one busy reading week. We've been deluged with rain here in the midwest as well. Thank goodness the last 2 days have been rain free!!
Hope the weather calms down for you!
Nymeth: It was a fun book!
Debi, Yes, you still have some time. I don't think Forest Born releases until September. But it is coming. :)
Stephanie: Yes, the rain stopped. For now. Some more is due later this week. What kept me a little off on Sunday was the fact my computer chair is semi-broken. Gone from 5 wheels to 4. So I'm figuring out how to sit in a crippled chair. Trying to find ways that aren't awkward and dangerous. :)
Hi Becky
I recently read the 19th Wife and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing your review.
I'm new to the book blogosphere and just starting to explore who else is out there (waves hello).
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