Armstrong, Kelley. 2008. The Summoning. HarperCollins. 390 pages.
Mommy forgot to warn the new babysitter about the basement. (from the prologue)
I bolted up in bed, one hand clutching my pendant, the other wrapped in my sheets. (from the first chapter)
Chloe Saunders is having a bad day. Well, a series of bad days really. It all started when she sees a ghost. Of course, she doesn't know exactly what is happening. Just that a very scary looking, very-burned, very-persistent janitor is chasing her up and down the halls of the schools (and into empty classrooms) demanding to talk to her. Is it any wonder she freaks out? Wouldn't you? When teachers try to restrain her--they can't see why she's so hysterical--they assume she's mental and get her help immediately. Now, Chloe is spending time in a home for mentally disturbed teens--Lyle House. And her fellow inmates aren't all what they appear. She'll make a few friends, make a few enemies...
Chloe has a choice to make: accept the fact that she can see ghosts and commune with the dead...or accept the diagnosis she's been given and take her medications like a good patient. Which truth can she live with?
The Summoning is a dark and dangerous novel about secrets, lies, and a few undeniable truths...
My thoughts on the novel: I enjoyed this one. I wasn't sure that I would. I didn't know if it would be too scary for me. (I did read it during the day just in case!) But I liked it. The pace is exciting. And it is hard to put this one down. And there's an immediacy to it that makes you need the sequel...
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I have this checked out and it's due in two weeks, so I'm hoping to get on this one quickly.
I enjoyed The Summoning as well, and like you, I wasn't sure that I would. However, I liked it well enough that I bought the sequel which is already out in paperback. I love it when a) the book is produced directly in paperback, and b) you don't have to wait FOREVER to get the next book in a series.
I think there should be some kind of rule that says if the book doesn't stand alone, then the series has to be out within a certain time limit.
I'm a big Terry Goodkind reader, and I feel like I've been waiting for years for his next novel. I'd rather not start a series if I know that the second book won't be out for a couple years! It's much nicer to start on a series that is already complete!
I've recently discovered your wonderful blog. I also enjoy reading YA books.
Is this one middle school appropriate, or would you rate it as more appropriate for high school?
You know, your site is a really good place for me to get YA recommendations. My kids will be reading a lot this summer, and I am always pleased to be able to find them new books. Thanks!
I enjoyed The Summoning, The Awakening is even better :)
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