Marr, Melissa. 2009. Fragile Eternity. HarperCollins. 389 pages.
I've gone about reading this series all wrong. I read Ink Exchange first. Then read Wicked Lovely. Then Fragile Eternity. If I'd had the time, perhaps, I should have reread Ink Exchange. But I didn't. (Technically, it shouldn't matter too much. Ink Exchange is more of a companion novel than a sequel--same world, different narrators.) Fragile Eternity shifts the focus back to Seth and Aislinn. Seth still madly loves Aislinn (Ash). Ash still loves Seth. And yet there's Keenan. The summer king who is never quite out of the picture. He is her equal. She is drawn to him. Unmistakably, inevitably drawn to him. The fact that they're both immortal helps some here. Yet she still chooses Seth. Declaring that her more-instinctual lust for her king can be suppressed. Seth feels jealous, as can be expected. Being with Ash isn't easy for Seth. He, as a mortal, is delicate in comparison. Ash can hurt him easily, without even thinking about it. Her touch can burn and blister his skin. When they're together, it's not easy and it's not without risk.
At the same time, Donia is still in love with Keenan...and Keenan's in love with Donia. Problem is they're dangerous together. As the winter queen, she's all cold and ice and he's all fire and heat. When they're intimate, it's risky for both of them. And Donia is even more uncomfortable than Seth when it comes to Ash's intrusion. Keenan can't help wanting to be with his rightful queen. And Donia hates feeling like she's second choice.
There are so many characters--mostly faery--in Fragile Eternity. And I enjoyed getting to know them. The introduction of Sorcha and Bananach adds so much depth to the story. With Bananach's need for war and chaos, it gets very interesting.
With each book, the story gets more complex as characters are more fully developed. One thing I enjoyed about this one is that we get Seth's side. Much of the story is told from his point of view in fact. And I loved the added depth and substance. Seth is the focus here. He's got the attention of several different faery courts. And he's even caught the attention of the High Court. Sorcha has been 'warned' that this mortal has too much influence with the faeries. That this mortal 'pet' needs to be taken care of. But will Sorcha agree? Where does Seth belong in the world?
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Something tells me that I would really like this series of books, and that I would probably get totally absorbed in them. You make them sound very intriguing and deep, and like something I should look into. I haven't read much YA fiction as of yet, but I really like the idea of the faerie world and all the intricate characterizations. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and thanks for the excellent review.
I enjoyed Wicked Lovely quite a bit, so I'm sure I'll get around to this one sometime soon.
Good to know; I've been putting this one off, but perhaps I'll bump it up on the pile.
I bought this when it first came out, but STILL haven't read it. Really must remedy that soon!
I absolutely loved Ink Exchange and am looking forward to reading Fragile Eternity. Thanks for the review!
I've had this book for awhile, I just can't bring myself to read it. I think I'm expecting more from it than I'll eventually get.
I've read Those books! They were awesome! I can't wait until Melissa Marr's next book, "Radient Shadows," comes out! I guess that one is an installment to "Ink Exchange."
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