Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. July 2009.
What can I say about this one to do it justice? I loved it. Well, more to the point I LOVED it. It's a fun fantasy novel--a romance--that is satisfying and playful and oh-so-right. Our heroine, Beatrice, has grown up in the theatre. But not just any theatre, no, the only home she has ever known is home to every stage character ever written--all the plays ever penned. Her best friends are fairies--perhaps you've read about them before, for they are found in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Her love interest? The man of her dreams? A minor character from A Little Mermaid. Her love-to-hate, hate-to-love enemy? Ariel from The Tempest. When we first meet Beatrice, she's in trouble. The Theatre Manager has decided that it is time for Beatrice to go. His excuse? She's not contributing to the theatre. She--and others along side her--plead with him; he grants her a few more days to prove that she has what it takes, that she belongs there. Her idea? To be a director! Though their productions generally never require a director--after all the originals know their lines backwards and forwards and then some--but if she were to change it up, change it around...then...maybe just maybe she'd find her place. Thus she seeks to recreate Hamlet...to give it an ancient Egyptian setting. But life is never this easy, right? You know there are bound to be conflicts! I am not going to say much more. I don't want to spoil it. But it is oh-so-magical. It is fun and playful. It is giddy-making.
Other stops on the book tour:
The 160 Acre Woods, A Christian Worldview of Fiction, A Patchwork of Books, Abby the Librarian, All About Children’s Books, And Another Book Read, Becky’s Book Reviews, Dolce Bellezza, Fireside Musings, The Friendly Book Nook, Homeschool Book Buzz, Homespun Light, Hyperbole, KidzBookBuzz.com, Never Jam Today, Reading is My Superpower, Through a Child’s Eyes
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I'm surprised to see how ecstatic you are over this one, Becky. I'm only posting tomorrow because I feel far differently.
This sounds so original and fun. I can't wait to read Bellezza's review since she doesn't seem as overjoyed with it as you do. Funny how that happens. I'm adding it to my TBR list. Thanks, Becky.
I am so glad you liked this. I loved it as well. It just reinforces my book picks! :)
I can hardly wait to get my copy of this book. I pre-ordered it so I should have it any day now. Your review sounds great and I am excited to dig into the book once I receive it. I'm also curious as to why dolcebellezza wasn't liking it so I'll be sure to catch that review too.
Thanks for always writing great reviews. I enjoy visiting your blog to see what you have to say! :)
it was really cute! i liked it too, my review will be up tomorrow
:O This sounds so good!! And I've loved the cover ever since I first saw it! Must get!!!
I've seen a couple on this book. It sounds interesting.
Becky, I wanted to also drop you a note because I've had to change my URL and feed address. I don't know if you follow me in a reader, but if you do and you haven't seen any of my posts in a week, then you have to adjust my feed address in your reader. Ugh. So, here's the link in case you want to update it: http://anovelmenagerie.com/2009/06/30/blogging-update/
I've only gotten 7 books in the NT done! I'm falling behind on the challenge!
this is one already on my wish list!
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