I am joining Curiosity Killed the Bookworm's science fiction challenge. I hope to read at least twelve science fiction books next year.
1. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
2. Babylon 5: To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan
3. Babylon 5: The Shadow Within by Jeanne Cavelos
4. Babylon 5: In the Beginning by Peter David
5. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: The Long Night of Centauri Prime. Peter David.
6. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Armies of Light and Dark. Peter David.
7. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Out of the Darkness. Peter David.
8. A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2). Beth Revis.
9. The Pledge. Kimberly Derting.
10. The Predicteds. Christine Seifert.
11. Scored. Lauren McLaughlin.
12. Shadows in Flight. Orson Scott Card.
13. Blackout. Connie Willis.
14. All Clear. Connie Willis.
15. Enchantress from the Stars. Sylvia Louise Engdahl.
16. The Way We Fall. Megan Crewe.
17. Tankborn. Karen Sandler.
18. All Good Children. Catherine Austen
19. Cinder. (The Lunar Chronicles #1). Marissa Meyer.
20. Crossed. Ally Condie.
21. Awaken. Katie Kacvinsky.
22. The Demolished Man. Alfred Bester.
23. Alas, Babylon. Pat Frank.
24. The Worthing Saga. Orson Scott Card.
25. Earth Abides. George R. Stewart.
26. Time for the Stars. Robert A. Heinlein.
27. The Puppet Masters. Robert A. Heinlein
28. The Door Into Summer. Robert A. Heinlein.
29. Double Star. Robert A. Heinlein
30. The Stars My Destination. Alfred Bester.
31. We. Yevgeny Zamyatin.
32. Fever. (Chemical Garden Series #2). Lauren DeStefano.
33. 11/22/63. Stephen King.
34. Article 5. Kristen Simmons.
35. Partials. Dan Wells.
36. Pandemonium. Lauren Oliver.
37. Parallelogram: Book 2: Caught in the Parallel. Robin Brande.
38. Unwind. Neal Shusterman.
39. Divergent. Veronica Roth.
40. Insurgent. Veronica Roth.
41. Tempest. Julie Cross.
42. Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury.
43. Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury.
44. Earth Unaware. Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston
45. The Age of Miracles. Karen Thompson Walker.
46. City. Clifford D. Simak. Old Earth Books. 264 pages.
47. The Star Trek Reader. Twenty-one Novelized Episodes Based on the Exciting Television Series Created by Gene Roddenberry. James Blish. 1968, 1969, 1972. Dutton. 372 pages.
48. The Long Earth. Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. 2012. HarperCollins. 352 pages.
49. Caught. (Missing #5) Margaret Peterson Haddix. 2012. Simon & Schuster. 352 pages.
50. The Bar Code Tattoo. Suzanne Weyn. 2004/2012. Scholastic. 256 pages.
51. Unwholly. Neal Shusterman. 2012. Simon & Schuster. 416 pages.
52. The Forsaken. Lisa M. Stasse. 2012. Simon & Schuster. 375 pages.
53. For Darkness Shows the Stars. Diana Peterfreund. 2012. HarperCollins. 416 pages.
54. Raider's Ransom. Emily Diamand. 2009. Scholastic. 368 pages.
© 2011 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I really need to join a book club to keep me on track... Good plan!
The Tuckerbag
Thanks for signing up and telling people about the challenge. I'm just trying to pick the first readlong book..so many good ones to choose from.
As late as the 1980s, there were two agreed upon types of sci-fi: "hard" and "soft." "Hard" meant the author had to obey the laws of science (esp Newtonian physics), even though a few things, like faster-than-light drive, were allowed: eg GAATICA. "Soft" meant anything else. Soft drifted to fantasy, social commentary, sandles-and-sword, witches and goblins. Your list is primarily recent stuff, and all I've checked is soft. Heinlein is good, but no need to over-represent him. Instead substitute some BRADBURY, NIVEN, POURNELLE, CLARKE.
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