The Princess and the Bear. Mette Ivie Harrison. 2009. 336 pages.
Long ago, there lived a wild cat that was the sleekest, fastest, and bravest of its kind.
This one is a companion novel to The Princess and the Hound.
What does a hound have in common with a bear? Well, you might be surprised. The hound, one of our narrators, spent some time enchanted in a human body--a princess. And the bear, our second narrator, he is a human--a king--living enchanted in a bear's body. Though these two don't always have an easy time communicating, these two have become friends--close friends. But life in the forest isn't always easy. And these two face a new danger. A danger that turns out not to be so new: unmagic. These two meet someone who has been battling this threat for centuries...
To fight the threat of unmagic, the threat that is causing the forest itself to die, these two might have to go back in time--in human form. Do these two have what it takes--the strength, the courage, the wisdom--to save magic, to win the battle against evil?
I enjoyed this one. It's been a couple of years since I read The Princess and The Hound so I'm not sure I can really compare the two. (If I liked this one as much as the other.) But I did enjoy this one on its own.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I really love this book. I like the "older" feel that it had, and I really liked the romantic relationship. It was so real. I'm very excited for the Princess and the Snowbird!
Thanks for the review. I noticed the author's name and realized I went to HS with her. Glad you liked it as I guess I ought to read this. :-) ~LHM
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