I think that bloggers should just have the freedom to be themselves, the freedom to just be. To post what they want to post, when they want to post. The freedom to blog without anyone saying do this, not that.

There is no exact formula to follow. You don't have to follow a certain format, a certain style. You don't have to model what you do based on what others in the community do. Differences are a good thing. Individuality should be celebrated.
And wouldn't it be wonderful if guilt could be eliminated from the blog community? If bloggers could stop feeling guilty for not being perfect, for being human, for living their own lives, for being too busy to focus solely on blogging, for putting other things in their lives first, for taking time away from the computer, for not having the time to comment on the blogs they read, for not having time to read all the blogs they'd like to, for marking all posts read in their google readers, for not finishing every reading challenge they've signed up for--even if they're the host. Wouldn't it be great if bloggers could accept the fact that they're human... That there is no way to do it all; no way to please everyone; no way to balance it all. That it is okay to just be.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
LMAO...I loved this post.
I have to say I can't compare myself to anyone. I don't know how these bloggers do it. I always try to take it one day at a time.
Balance is a good thing
Great post Becky! You made some very good points. I just did a post on Friday entitled "Being True To Myself" that sort of tackles these same issues. I think we're all feeling the need for a little balance these days!
Amen to this Becky!!! This is how I try to blog all the time and especially more recently. My blog has become just whatever I want it to be :p Now, it's totally lost any kind of focus, but that's fine because it's me. And I have no focus :p Absolutely love this!
I totally agree. When I read a post where someone says "Sorry I haven't posted in a while," I just want to say "Don't apologize! It's okay, I know you have a life, and it gets busy sometimes." And I feel like my blog is my space to set up any way that is satisfying to me. If someone doesn't like the way it is, they have the freedom to never come visit again. I'll be okay, really.
Hear, hear!
Yes, yes, yes, yes! Also-yes!
I hear that.
I agree with you :)
What an inspiring and splendid post - thanks! Just off to "just be"....
Happy reading
I have never, ever, felt guilty about anything I've done or said on my blog. In fairness, it's only three months old, but the day I start to worry what people think is the day I stop!
Oh, this was lovely! Thank you for posting it. Everyone needs a good stop-feeling-guilty reminder. I get that way about books I haven't read yet. Really, life's too short. Relax and read for fun!
It's the antidote to blogger angst! Wonderful Becky. I love your thoughts.
I think that's a great notion, but for myself, I always feel guilt about something not going right or not being up to my own standards. For me, the guilt is self-imposed and I have a feeling that many bloggers are like me in that they seek perfection from their own selves and it doesn't necessarily have to do with what other bloggers are doing or expecting.
So true and just what I needed to hear! I have felt guilt about not reviewing many books-- silly because my bookish blog was never meant to be a review blog. I've intended to review most of the recent books I've read and enjoyed but life intefers-- time passes and then I don't feel like reviewing them.
Like Serena said it is 'self imposed' guilt and it annoys me when I experience it.
Thanks for such an insightful post-- glad I'm not alone!!
I definitely agree with you. There have been many times in the past where I've felt so much guilt about stats or not posting enough but now I'm more relaxed about it.
Thanks for this...I think it's something we all need to be reminded of.
May I please join your guilt-free blogger army? I can't ride a horse or shoot a bow and arrow, but I'm not adverse to long treks on foot through all kinds of terrain and weather.
Oh my goodness, I'm so with you (and yet it's so hard not to feel guilty)! Thanks for this reminder that it's okay to just be.
just came here via Kim (sophisicated Dorkiness) and I agree with your post! I have been haing guilt feelings right now because it's summertime (kids home from school) and not getting to post as often! I better shake that feeling, since there are two more months left of summer :-)
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