I just discovered this gem on Amazon. Releasing November 27th (Just 2 days before my birthday--and Lewis' birthday, by the way) The Chronicles of Narnia Pop-up: Based on the Books by C.S. Lewis. Robert Sabuda. Matthew Armstrong. Matthew Reinhart. The publisher is HarperCollins. (Oh how I wish I had a contact in HarperCollins in the publicity department. Not only do I want this book, I want to review so so many of their children's books!!!!!)
How cool! That would be so great to have a connection with Harper Collins children and young adult books ;)
Oh, I like this cover! Do you find that people forget your birthday in all the Thanksgiving excitement? Maybe I'm being presumptous, but I think you're American? If you're Canadian, of course your Thanksgiving would be in October, and if you're anything else, you probably have no Thanksgiving!
I'm the kind've person who won't let someone forget my birthday :) Okay, maybe that's not true. I won't let my family and close friends forget my birthday :) Some years, it's not so bad. Like this year, it is on the Thursday after Thanksgiving. Plenty of time for the leftovers to have vanished and the frantic shopping is over. But on a few years, it's Friday right after Thanksgiving. In that case, almost no one is available to party on the actual day. Too busy shopping or entertaining family or still out of town. But generally speaking, I like having my birthday on that day in November. It is C.S. Lewis' birthday, Madeleine L'Engle's birthday, and Louisa May Alcott's birthday.
Too cool. And I only share my birthday with Consitution day. Not cool. I second your wish for a HarperCollins contact. I love their books, too.
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