Prom Nights From Hell. 2007. Meg Cabot. Kim Harrison. Michele Jaffe. Stephenie Meyer. Lauren Myracle.
I'll keep this one very short. The stories were just okay. Some were better than others. But none of the stories really stood out as "great" or even "good." They were average stories written about girls and guys at prom. While all of them tried to weave in the supernatural horror elements--vampires, demons, zombies, etc., they couldn't escape, in my opinion, the trap that is the typical prom story. It didn't make prom more exciting that the girl's date was a vampire. Or the guy's date was a demoness. It was still prom. Granted, there are probably many many teens out there who would love this collection of short stories. Who would read anything Cabot or Meyer wrote. Who would love the very details in these stories that make them seem "boring" to me. But I don't think this is one that adult readers can enjoy equally. Twilight and the whole Bella/Edward series is something that teens AND adults can equally squeal over and enjoy. This one, not so much. Maybe it is the fact that they're short stories or novellas. Actually each "story" is made up of about three to five chapters. But there isn't enough time to bond with the characters. And there isn't enough time for the characters to grow.
I keep hearing about this book! I'm going to try to get it soon.
I liked the Meg Cabot story, but that was the only one I liked.
I agree it was the strongest. I don't know if it was because it was first, or if it really just was the best of the bunch. But by the end, I was really tired of the book. Each subsequent novella I enjoyed less than the one that came before.
are there separate books by each author or one book combined with all the authors together?
One book with each author getting a novella within it.
okay thanks!
I love the Twilight series!
I loved this book, but I agree I wish that all the stories where full novels. I would still redcomend it to people though.
im not sure if the seires is appropriate for children. how about 10-13 age barcket ? opinions plz ?
It says on the back 13+ i think that that age is great. Yea as a teenager I would enjoy these kind of stories but they were 2 short 2 really get 2 no the character(s).
i love all the Stephenie meyers and meg cabots books, but is it worth £4.99 on ebay ,new
help me plz
I ain't the biggst fan of twilight anymore... after they made the first movie...I out grew it. Anyways. My book club choose to read this book. From yyur blog it sounds like I probably wont like most of it. But Hey.. its worth to read. Thank you
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