What's On Your Nightstand is hosted by 5 Minutes for Books.
I'm currently reading four books.
Jane Slayre by Charlotte Bronte and Sherri Browning Erwin. I'm enjoying this paranormal retelling much more than I thought I would.
Wildfowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer. This is historical fiction--World War II.
The Adventures of Nanny Piggins by R.A. Spratt. This children's book is very funny! It is about three children who have a pig for a nanny.
Framley Parsonage by Anthony Trollope. This is the fourth in the Barsetshire series.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I haven't heard of most of those! Interesting.
Right now I am reading MATCHED by Ally Condie and I am so in love!
I will have to try one of those paranormal treatments of a classic one day.
Book blog: www.5minutesforbooks.com
I was surprised that I liked Jane Slayre too. I tried reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but didn't get very far. It just wasn't my kind of book.
That "Nanny Piggins" sounds interesting. Children's books are so fun!
Outlander is on my nightstand right now, along with about fifty other books! :D
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