Books Checked Out of the Library
In this first library visit of the year, I went with a sci-fi theme:#1 Dune by Frank Herbert
#2 Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert
#3 Children of Dune by Frank Herbert
#4 God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert
#5 Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert
#6 The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers
#7 The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers
#8 Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Notes: This will be a hit or miss batch...I'll either be drawn in by Dune...or I won't. No need for sequels if the first doesn't impress. I've never tried Tim Powers. Never even heard of him. But they look like they'd be good to try. And the Ishiguro looks intriguing as well. Plus it's on the 1001 Books You Must Read list and that challenge is coming to an end soon. So there you have it.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
I've only read the Ishiguro on your list, but it's a great one! :) My mom really liked Dune (the first one) back in the day, but she said the rest of series 'gets steadily worse.'
I don't read science fiction but I have read Never Let Me Go, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Isn't this a great weekly feature? I actually use library books for most of my reading. I've just posted my first Library Loot too.
HI Becky -
I am so excited about this new meme. After I collect my books on hold tomorrow, I plan to publish the list of library books I picked up this week.
BTW -- I wanted you to know that I gave you an award today. I am sure you have received many, many award, but I hope you don't mind another.
Tim Powers is an author on my TBR list, but I haven't read him yet. I also have never read Dune, even though I own the first one! I will be looking forward to both of these reviews!
Becky, I love your blog (and all of your challenges) so I am passing on The Butterfly Award to you. You can go here to collect: http://booksandneedlepoint.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-first-award-this-must-be-week-for.html
I've had Dune on my shelves for a while now, but for whatever reason can't seem to bring myself to pick it up. I've also got Three Days to Never by Tim Powers, which I really hope to read for the 42 very soon. Never read anything of his either, but it really sounds good. Can't wait to see what you think of him!
I've heard things about Dune but I've never given the series a chance. I thought Never Let Me Go was excellent though!
I've only read Dune back in high school and loved it. I am going to re-read it for the Sci-Fi challenge as well. I'm hoping the rest of the series is as good. Good luck!
Thank you for doing such great work encouraging reading, especially among young people! I love the library but don't handle deadline pressure well (!) so I checked my favorite book-swapping site, www.bookins.com, and found 19 Frank Herbert, 3 Tim Powers and 5 Kazuo Ishaiguro books available at the moment for just $4.49 postage. It's a great, hassle-free place to recycle books (and DVDs)!
I gave up on Dune after the first book. I couldn't stand it, but I know I'm in the minority there, lol. Hope you have better luck with it than I did!
I read all the Dune books in high school and loved them. Very political and also interesting in the way they handle religion. Tim Powers I find very funny. Drawing of the Dark is a strange fantasy novel that sort of combines a swashbuckling war story (think Arturo Perez Reverte if you've ever read him) and random fantastic creatures. Any book that revolves around a magical beer is well worth the read
You're like me - when I check out books from the library, I try to tell all the books in the series at one time so that if I like the 1st one I won't have to wait to start on the next one! I hope you like the books. I haven't read them, so I don't if they are any good or not.
Ew, I wanted to sing the Sesame Street song "...which one doesn't belong..."! Bah! ;D
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