Host: Becky of Becky's Book Reviews
Length: All of 2010 (finish at your own pace)
Required Books: 3 to 6
Your challenge is to read three (to six) books from at least three different centuries. The challenge is to read books written in different centuries, not just to read books set during different centuries. (If you choose to read more than three books, then you can double up on centuries. You can read as many as you like.)
The centuries do not need to be consecutive like the decades challenge.
Books can be fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories, essays, plays, etc. Books do not have to be a required length. (Though I ask that poetry and short stories be within a larger collection. For example, a book of short stories as opposed to one solitary short story.)
Overlaps with other challenges are fine. In fact they're encouraged!!!
Audio books are welcome. E-books are welcome as well.
What about adaptations and abridged novels? I think you should be able to count at least one towards the challenge. After all, some books are so intimidating that a little extra help is needed. So if you'd rather read an abridged Moby Dick (etc.) then who am I to stop you?!
Reading suggestions can be found here:
Literature timeline, Literature Timeline Index*, Literature Timeline**,
Sign up by leaving a comment.
Update Posts will appear on January 25, 2010, March 22, 2010, May 17, 2010, July 12, 2010, September 13, 2010, and December 6, 2010. You can go to the most recent of these posts and leave links to your reviews. (If you have reviews to share that is. If you don't have a blog (and it's not a requirement by the way) then you can just leave a comment letting us know what you've been reading!)
Both images are from wikimedia commons. Top image. Bottom image.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Ok, I am not fond of classic, after all i am thru colletge, but readign moll flanders and enjoying it, so we will see what we will see, I hope there are not reviews?
This is a wonderful challenge, I'm joining in. I'll post about on my blog when it gets closer to starting time and link back to you.
I'm joining! http://kylees-journal.blogspot.com/2009/10/centuries-reading-challenge.html
It is not required that you write reviews, so no worries there, Lindy.
I, of course, enjoy reading and writing reviews. So if participants *want* to write reviews. I'll be keeping up with them :)
Count me in!
I can do this for next year. Thanks Becky for hosting. Question: does the 21st century count?
Jan (in Edmonds)
Jan, yes, the 21rst century can count as one of the centuries.
I'm going to try this one, too! Should be interesting.
Count me in! :-)
I've posted the challenge on my blog here: http://tbfreviews.net/2009/11/20/centuries-reading-challenge-2010/.
I think this one will be interesting I'd like to join
Fun Challenge-please sign me up
I'm in. Here's my post :)
As I said, I am in for sure
here are my first two centuries
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee-20th century
and The Tales of Ise by Arihara no Narihira-10th century
One Night at the Call Center-2006-
This completes my first stated commitment to the challenge but as we have 360 days left I will try for 6th centuries-thanks to Becky for hosting this great challenge
Thank you for hosting this challenge. I would love to participate.
I'll join in. I have some books on my reading list for this year that should apply, so why not give myself a little more encouragement?
Here's my post: http://badgerish.net/2010/01/29/challenge-centuries-reading-challenge-2010/
Great challenge. I'm in. I may have to do some investigating to find books to read in six different centuries!
Hip Chick's Home
I finished the challenge!
I dont' hqave a blog or write reviews I prefer to read, so here are mine
21st 2000 Grafton, Sue U is for Undertown
20th 1900 Hesse, Karen Out of the Dust
19th 1800 Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland
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