Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anybody want to guess?

Okay, I'm somewhat predictable as a reader. So does anyone want to guess what I picked up at the library today? Hint. I've reviewed two of his books this past week, and I reviewed another of his books in the summer or possibly late spring. Second hint. I said in one post that I had fallen in love with a new author. Third hint. I have mentioned him on both Becky's Book Reviews and Reading with Becky. Fourth hint. He's quite famous. Have you guessed yet? Do you know where my obsession is taking me this month?

It will fit perfectly with the Cardathon challenge and the Speculative Fiction challenge. And I think it will be a perfect opportunity for writing a post for the next Bookworms Carnival in November where the theme is short stories.

If you guessed Ray Bradbury, then you're absolutely right!

Here are the Bradbury books I've got checked out at the moment:

Dandelion Wine
Driving Blind
Green Shadows, White Whale
Quicker Than the Eye
One More for the Road
A Graveyard for Lunatics

Compared to everything he's written, I've barely gotten started. But this handful should get me going on my way. I would LOVE to read all his books.


chrisa511 said...

Very cool!!! I'd like to have a little Bradbury-a-thon myself. I've really enjoyed what I read and have The Homecoming coming up in the piles soon! Dandelion Wine will be up soon too!

Becky said...

Yeah, this one is an unexpected detour, but it does happen to fit nicely into the Cardathon. :) So I guess I'm not completely off track.