Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Two Monthly Options That Excite Me

First. I'm super-super-super excited that Hope is the Word is starting a Newbery Through the Decades Challenge. Yes, I've already joined a Newbery reading challenge this year. But the Newbery is the one award I probably care about the most. (Often, but not always, the Honor books end up wowing me more than the winner.)

Directly from her blog post about the challenge:
  • This challenge will run January-October.
  • Each month will focus on a decade’s worth of Newbery Medalists and honor books.
    • January:  1920s
    • February:  1930s
    • March:  1940s
    • April:  1950s
    • May:  1960s
    • June:  1970s
    • July:  1980s
    • August:  1990s
    • September:  2000s
    • October: 2010s
  • I will post a list of all the eligible titles for the month on the first day of the month.  I will also post which title(s) I plan to read.  I’ll provide a linky for your own “I’m in” post.
  • You may read one title or two or as many as you want.
  • I will post the wrap-up post for you to link up your thoughts and reviews on the last day of the month.
I would love to participate every month. Though January will probably be the hardest for me. (I *know* that Millions of Cats won a Newbery Honor in 1929. And I have that one. So at the very, very least I could write up something on that one!!!

Second. Though I'm a bit more hesitant to commit to actually participating. I saw the 2015 Reading to Know Classics Book Club post this morning. January is any title by L.M. Montgomery. (I have five or six short story collections that I *need* to read/reread and review.) March is a Tozer title, Pursuit of God. April is 1984. (I've been meaning to read 1984 for years now. I don't know if I'll end up 'liking' it or not. But I should at least give it a try, right?) May is one of my favorite, favorite books CHRISTY by Catherine Marshall. June is The Little Prince. I've only read that one once, I could probably reread it this year if I can find it. July is any from Narnia or C.S. Lewis. September is The Screwtape Letters. I've that on audio. October is The Hound of the Baskervilles. (I've only read one Sherlock Holmes book.) November is Grimm's Fairy Tales. (Sounds fun, right!) So most of the months have potential. If I can only REMEMBER to join in.

© 2014 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Renard Moreau said...

[ Smiles ] Becky, I want you to know that I do enjoy your book previews.

Also, may you have a fabulous 2015.

Becca said...

1984 is one of those books that whether you like it or not you come away from it changed. I happened to like it, but I think you will appreciate reading it either way. :)