Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What's On Your Nightstand (November)

The folks at 5 Minutes For Books host What’s On Your Nightstand? the fourth Tuesday of each month in which we can share about the books we have been reading and/or plan to read.

The Painter's Daughter. Julie Klassen. 2015. Bethany House. 464 pages. [Source: Review copy]

A Regency romance that will probably be "too smutty" for Christians and "too Christian" for unbelievers. I have loved, loved, loved some of Klassen's earlier novels, and, I've also experienced one or two that really disappointed me. But yet my love of her former books keeps me hoping and reading! For better or worse! 

Silent Nights: A British Library Crime Classic. Compiled by Martin Edwards. 2015. Poisoned Pen Press. 298 pages. [Source: Review copy]

 A collection of fifteen short stories--all mysteries--set during the holidays. Some of my favorite authors are included in this collection, but, also some new-to-me authors. This is a classic, none, of the stories are "new" or "modern."

The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood. (Beatrix Potter Series #3) Susan Wittig Albert. 2007. 352 pages. [Source: Bought at Library Sale]

I've read the first two books in the series. The second book, first, for better or worse. I had to track down a copy of the first book, and, it took a while! But I'm excited about this mystery series!

We Believe: Creeds, Confessions, & Catechism for Worship. Edited by Matthew B. Sims. 2015. Grace for Sinners. 360 pages. [Source: Bought]

I am really enjoying reading this one! Yes, I could probably have tracked down most of these creeds and confessions online, but, I like having them together and not having to search them out!

© 2015 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews


Barbara H. said...

I've only read two of Klassen's books and had the same experience - loved the one but was surprised and dismayed by the explicitness in the other, so I have been wary of trying any more of hers. "'Too smutty' for Christians and 'too Christian' for unbelievers" describes them perfectly.

Lisa notes... said...

You've got quite a few Christmas suggestions here. I may have to search out a Christmas book or two in the next couple of weeks.... Thanks for sharing your list!

Unknown said...

I have The Painter's Daughter on my reading list. I've enjoyed many of Klassen's books (though a few have been flops, in my opinion). The last one I read surprised me with more explicit content than I was used to from her. It certainly wasn't anything graphic and I think she handled the content well. But, like you say, Christians who are expecting the usual Christian romance will think it's too explicit. That won't stop me from reading her books! ;-)