I saw this on A Year of Reading and thought it looked like fun. If you want to play, you go back through your archives and find five posts (on your own blog of course) you really love. Here's mine (in no particular order):
To Blog or Not To Blog. I loved this one because it was a very passionate/inspired post. It also got me noticed. I had almost zero link-love until this one came along. Almost overnight my blog went from 1-2 readers (that I knew about at least) to an actual audience. It was such a novel thing for me at the time. The concept that I could write something that people would actually read and respond to. It made me rethink my blog and prioritize it. The follow-up post was Becky's 5 W's. It is my mission statement of sorts. Both posts are still mostly true (by the way), but would need to be updated slightly to be completely accurate. I now receive review copies, and that has now become my primary source for review material.
Top Ten Books You Cannot Live Without. This post is my very first meme that I ever participated in. I've since become addicted as regular readers know :) My top ten books--the subject of this meme--might have changed since its original posting. I've read some GREAT books since then.
Ender's Game. I chose this post because it is my review of my favorite book. It is all gushy and chatty. But it shows the real me. You cannot spend much time with me and NOT know that I love Orson Scott Card. Another good choice would be How I Came To Love A Monster. Another of my lengthy reviews. Although I consider it to be just showcasing my passion and enthusiasm.
Tips on Challenges. This one hasn't been particularly popular, but I like it just the same. It is my advice on how to successfully manage reading challenges.
Interview with Susan Beth Pfeffer. I'm such a huge fan. This was a dream-come-true for me. I love doing interviews with authors. (I'm out at the moment, though I should have one coming in shortly.) Hopefully, more interviews will be coming soon. I just have to start reading books by authors that are alive and well and have email addresses that I can find. Fanny Burney and Jane Austen aren't going to be dropping by any time soon that's for sure.
I'm glad you decided to play! After school, I'll come back and browse through your favorites, and also link to you from our post! Fun, fun!!!
I like the idea of your retrospective! I'm going to go back and read your post on Ender's Game when I've got an extra moment.
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