Are you participating in Becky's 2008 Jane Austen mini-challenge? Want to share your thoughts on what you've read or watched? Please let me know how you're doing! Leave a comment with your thoughts or a link to a post with your thoughts.
How am I doing? Well, I've seen all the PBS Austen movies. And I've read Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, and Sense & Sensibility. I've posted thoughts on those three. And I've also posted my thoughts on Mansfield Park the movie. I did a post in January on my thoughts of the first three movies: Persuasion, Mansfield Park, and Northanger Abbey. I haven't posted on the movies Emma, Pride and Prejudice, or Sense and Sensibility yet. Blogging books is familiar and natural. I'm not used to blogging movies yet, even if they are based on books.
Your progress:
Chris' review of Mansfield Park.
Melissa's review of Mansfield Park.
It's NOT too late to join the challenge. The challenge ends December 31, 2008. There is still plenty of time to participate.
This is the last listing I've got on the Austen-challenge. If you're on the list, but not supposed to be let me know. And if you're supposed to be on the list but aren't, let me know. I'd like to have a current list. :)
Tricia from Library Queue
Chris from Stuff As Dreams Are Made On ...
Ex Libris
Michelle (3M) from 1MoreChapter
Stephanie from Stephanie's Confession of a Bookaholic
Pattie from FreshBrewedWriter
Melissa from Book Nut
Debbi from My Reading Spot (? She didn't specify if she was joining the Austen and the Tolkien or just the Tolkien ?)
Ladytink_534 from The Movieholic & Bibliophile's Blog (She was one that was on the fence, but considering it...)
Kate (didn't specify if it was Austen and Tolkien both or just one of the two...unless I hear otherwise...I'm assuming she's in for the Austen)
Gautami Tripathy from My Own Reading Room
Angliophile Football Fanatic
Susan from Susan Loves To Read
Alisonwonderland from So Many Books, So Little Time
Curiouser and Curiouser
Webster Twelb
Chris from Book-a-rama
Historia from BiblioHistoria
Journey From An Inquiring Mind
Kirsten from Nose in A Book
nsr (?)
Sarah R.
Marina from Book a Tea
Full time in NM
Joy of Thoughts for Joy
April of Cafe of Dreams
Jenny up the hill
Susan from You Can Never Have Too Many Books
Dewey from Hidden Side of A Leaf
Nessie from The Biblio Files
Count me in! I've read 3 so far and watched all but Sense and Sensibility.
I'm moving very slowly (I'll probably take the whole year...). I've read Northanger Abbey, and I'm halfway through Mansfield Park (another "delightfully pleasant yet sluggishly dull" novel... love that phrase!). I've watched Northanger Abbey (loved it!) and I'm going to watch the 1999 version of Mansfield Park when I finish the book (I'm staying away from the new one. No one seemed to like it.)
I gave up on Mansfield Park. Does that make me bad?! Anyway, I do recommend the 1999 version. I thought the actress who was playing Fanny did a wonderful job in bringing to life not Austen's character but a likable, spunky character that would be worth reading about! The new one was just painful to the eyes. Though dad seemed to like it for some reason. I think he was just doing it to be contrary.
Just reviewed Mansfield Park:
This was take 2 for this one for me. I made it through.
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