Babymouse Cupcake Tycoon (#13) Jennifer L. Holm & Matthew Holm. 2010. September 2010. Random House. 96 pages.
Poor Babymouse! Her imagination lead to a destructive scene in the library! And now the school has to come up with a way to replace all those books and make other repairs. Could a cupcake fundraiser save the school library? Can Babymouse be the best cupcake seller in the whole world? There is nothing she'd love more than to be the best at selling cupcakes. But it isn't looking so good for Babymouse. It seems she can't make a sell outside her immediate family...what's a mouse to do?
I enjoyed this one. Babymouse is a great heroine.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
My little one LOVES the Babymouse books! I'm so glad that there is a new one coming out!
My girl love Babymouse too. So glad to see a new one!
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