Hi! Welcome to Becky's Book Reviews. I'm happy to be hosting this week's Poetry Friday round-up. Please leave a link in the comments. I'll be rounding up throughout the day.
Author Amok has an interview with Edie Hemingway, author of Road to Tater Hill.
Karen Edmisten is sharing "To The Light of September."
Lorie Ann Grover of readertotz is sharing "Little Nancy Etticoat."
She's also sharing (at On Point) Moms.
Shelf Elf is in with some Christina Rosetti. "Who Has Seen the Wind."
Jama Rattigan is sharing Barter by Sara Teasdale.
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast is in with "Ex Libris" by Eleanor Wilner.
Laura Salas is in with an "Without Rancor" and her 15 Words or Less Poems.
Windspirit_girl is in with "Failure's Art."
G.R. LeBlanc is sharing a haiku this week by Myra Cohn Livingston.
Kimberly from Lectitans has Rain by Edward Thomas.
Linda has a poetry stretch.
Random Noodling shares a poem on Frederick Douglass.
Read Write Believe is sharing "Do You Have Any Advice?"
My Juicy Little Universe is sharing some Tom Chapin.
Kelly Fineman is in with "Bad Day" by Kay Ryan.
The Stenhouse Blog is sharing To Myself by Franz Wright.
Notes from New England is sharing some love this week.
The Write Sisters are sharing the love of dance.
A Year of Reading is in with Patriotism by Ellie Schoenfeld.
Irene Latham is sharing a poem by Ludelphia.
Little Willow is sharing some Emily Dickinson.
Mitali Perkins is in with COCONUT COWGIRL.
Liz in Ink is in with some John O'Donohue.
Wild Rose Reader is talking about writing/posting original poems.
Blue Rose Girls is sharing Language Lessons by Alexandra Teague.
The Miss Rumphius Effect is sharing "Rereading Frost." She's also sharing the results of her Poetry Stretch this week.
MotherReader is in with a poem about ereaders.
FatherGoose is sharing a fun poem.
Semicolon is sharing one of her favorite hymns.
Gottabook is sending you to see A Poetry Window.
The Drift Record is sharing some photographs of poets.
Susan Taylor Brown is in with Snapshot.
Catherine is in with No Pedals, No Medals.
Book Crumbs is in with Reflection.
Gavin is in with a poem by Louise Gluck.
© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
Hi Becky! Thanks for hosting. I'm in with Who Has Seen the Wind by Christina Rossetti. Something traditional for a beautiful fall morning.
Enjoy your day!
Hi Becky,
Today I'm sharing "Barter" by Sara Teasdale, with a few thoughts about beauty and ugliness.
Thanks for hosting today!
Thanks for hosting, Becky.
I have 5 questions for Edie Hemingway today. Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "Annabel Lee," plays an important role in Edie's new middle grade novel, "Road to Tater Hill." You'll find "Annabel Lee" and a fun Poe fact at the end of the post.
HI, Becky! Thanks for hosting. 7-Imp is celebrating fall with "Ex Libris" by Eleanor Wilner.
Also, my word verification is "lenchies," which I think should be a real word. Maybe for the snacky feeling I get between breakfast and lunch?
Hi Becky--Thank you for hosting today! I'm in with an original poem, "Without Rancor," at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/174294.html.
And this week's 15 Words or Less poetry exercise is up at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/173862.html. Stop by to check out the poems and add one of your own, if you'd like!
Hi Becky!! Thanks for hosting!! I've got a visual poem, "Failure's Art," for today. Have a wonderful day!!
oops--sorry, Becky. The link to "Failure's Art" is : http://windspirit-girl.livejournal.com/
Hi Becky!
Thanks for hosting! This week I'm sharing a haiku by Myra Cohn Livingston.
I'm got Rain by Edward Thomas today. Thanks for hosting!
Hi Becky,thanks for hosting. I have an original poem at http://ldkwritetime.blogspot.com
I wrote for the Miss Rumphius Poetry Stretch. Have a great day!
Diane at Random Noodling shares an original poem about Frederick Douglass.
Hi, Becky! Today, I'm highlighting the Library of Congress's Poetry 180 Project and their poem of the day, "Do You Have Any Advice for Those of Us Just Starting Out?"
I'm posting today about big words and Tom Chapin in the classroom: this curriculum sponsored in part by...
Hi Becky! Thanks for hosting!
I'm in with "Bad Day" by Kay Ryan. Here's the link info for you: http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/483114.html
Thanks for hosting! My post, "To the Light of September" by Merwin, is here.
Hello! This week's poem on The Stenhouse Blog is To Myself by Franz Wright. Enjoy!
Hi Becky,
Thanks for hosting. I have excerpts from Love that Boy by Walter Dean Myers, Love that Dog by Sharon Creech, as well as an original, Love that Pup, by Ravi (age 10), that was inspired by the first two poems.
Check them out at Notes from New England.
Hey Becky!
Thanks for hosting today.
Over at readertotz we have Little Nancy Etticoat.
Today at The Write Sisters we have a short poem about the joy of dancing.
And today at On Point I have a haiku I wrote, Moms.
Thanks again for hosting!
I have a poem this week about Patriotism, in honor of Constitution Day yesterday.
Hi Becky, thanks for hosting roundup! I've got the start of a poem written by the main character in my forthcoming novel! http://irenelatham.blogspot.com/2009/09/poem-by-ludelphia.html
Thanks for hosting, Becky. Enjoy COCONUT COWGIRL, a poem by a Fijian-American teenager that won a prize in my annual poetry contest.
Hi Becky,
I'm in this week with a poem entitled Rereading Frost.
Thanks so much for hosting this shindig. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for doing the Roundup this week!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have some personal poetry news--and I talk about posting original poems at my blog in Blogging My Poetry.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a poem by Alexandra Teague entitled Language Lessons.
Hi Becky! I posted Went up a year this evening by Emily Dickinson at Bildungsroman today. Have a good weekend!
Whoops -- so excited about Poetry Friday, I forgot my link.
5 Questions for E. Hemingway & "Annabel Lee" are at http://authoramok.blogspot.com/2009/09/5-questions-for-hemingway.html.
I'm finally back in again with an original poem based on one of Tricia's poetry stretches.
This one is Snapshot
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting, Becky! I've got "No Pedals No Medals" from Fastest Game on Two Feet: and Other Poems about How Sports Began by Alice Low. ... Catherine at
Thanks for hosting, Becky. I'm in with John O'Donohue this week:
Hi Becky,
I forgot to mention that I also have the results of this week's poetry stretch--a variety of prefix poems.
Thanks again!
MotherReader has an original poem that doubles as a plea for an ereader:
Thanks for hosting!
Hi Becky! Thanks for hosting! Here's a poem from the Father Goose blog:
Hi Becky! Thanks for hosting. I got my hymn list back, so I'm sharing Arise, My Soul, Arise by Charles Wesley today.
Hi, Becky- It's late in the game for a Poetry Friday post, and though I don't have a poem, I do have some interesting young/old photo of poets (Ginsburg, Whitman, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, James Joyce (yes, he wrote poetry - very good poetry.) I just got intrigued by the whole idea of youth/age this week. You can see it over at The Drift Record
I'm up with a link to some Fibs and a poetry window, too. Yeah. A poetry window:
A Poetry Window
Thanks for hosting, Becky!
Well I must not have been very awake this morning. I was over here first thing this morning but for some reason my post doesn't show up.
I have an original poem based on one of Tricia's poetry stretches.
This one is called Snapshot
Thank you for hosting.
Hi Becky, thanks for hosting! I'm in with an original poem titled "Reflection."
Becky, thanks for hosting this week. Sorry I'm late! Here is a poem by Louise Gluck
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